One thing that bugged me..

I have no issue with strong female characters who can take charge, however I wasn't impressed with how this movie went about it.

Right from the start, this movie established that Aila had literally all the answers, while her posse of guy friends couldn't wipe their own asses without directions from her. Come on, really?

This seems to be a growing trend in the movie biz. If you want a strong female lead, reduce the IQ of every guy in the room by 50, while removing their balls and spine for good measure. This movie did just that, and as a result ended up with some of the weakest male characters I've ever seen. I had hopes for the dad, however even he was reduced to a sobbing wreck in the woods.

Want an example of a movie that does this kind of group dynamic right? Look no further than Mad Max: Fury Road. Furiosa was awesome, yet the characters around her weren't diminished in any way. Everyone had something different to offer. Everyone contributed to the plan. All were extremely strong characters.


Well a little boy is allowed to rescue her since he hadn't gone through puberty. Mad Max isn't any different, don't know what you are talking about


Sorry Late reply but, You also have to keep in mind her experience versus the experience of all the boys she hangs out with. She said in the beginning of the movie she aged a thousand years the day she found her mother dead. Her dad gets thrown into prison and burner is her unc. She's practically on her own from there. She's taking care of all these people and noone is looking after her, really. Also the characters are adolescents yet, and females do mature faster than males.
