Relax. It's only a movie

Yes. It's low budget.
Yes. The effects aren't the best in Hollywood.

I give the movie props for achieving this much with the resources they had.

I saw it on VOD and enjoyed it. The story was there. The acting was good and it was shot well.

Good job all.


I don't understand the hate either.

I also can't take any comments or reviews seriously when they're full of spelling and punctuation errors, are unintelligible or say stupid things like "I couldn't get past 15 minutes" or "I only saw the trailer".

If you couldn't make it through a trailer, much less admit you didn't even watch the whole movie, then you have no business rating/writing reviews for anything.

Whether you like or dislike something, do it with respect and don't be a troll!


"I don't understand the hate either."

Yes you do.


Welcome back Barney!
You're one of the biggest, elitist, stuck up film snobs on here!

When you bash something I'm more likely to check it out!
The thing I love most about you is how important you think your flaccid opinions are to anyone but yourself!

I've chatted with a few actors involved in this film and they think people like you are a JOKE and they haven't read any of the hate!

What's that sound? I think I hear them laughing right now!

Whether you like or dislike something, do it with respect and don't be a troll!
