MovieChat Forums > Ambassadors (2013) Discussion > Weak Weak Weak Weak WEAK

Weak Weak Weak Weak WEAK

Yet another typical wishy washy BBC fiasco dolled up as entertainment.
You just know it's a BBC product when they disparage the royal family and mention the Guardian within the first three minutes of the show.

Regarding the royal family, I am sure they think that somehow it is 'edgy' and 'real' to knock the head of the state's family and that may have been so TWENTY years ago, however, today it just looks pathetic and another attempt to talk down the country who's people pay their overpriced bills.

The comedy fails on every level, the actors also have absolutely no love for the series or their parts and it shows, the viewer receives the impression they have no faith in what they are doing, the expression on their faces is one of abject misery, they just don't seem to want to be there, the dialogue is stilted, weak and forced and trust me this isn't a part they're playing, you can tell these actors want to be somewhere else, anywhere else, just not on this set.
As for the writing, it is so unfunny as to beggar description.
Look, this is meant to be a COMEDY yet there is absolutely NOTHING funny about the show whatsoever unless you are a left-wing Labour voter who reads the Guardian and even then that's a real maybe.

If viewers want to see REAL comedy check out VEEP as an example of what is funny because Ambassadors is nothing of the sort and the fact that the BBC keeps trying to sell the licence-fee payer counterfeit goods reflects that unless they really up their game their day is done.


Well that's your opinion but I (and what seems like most others who have seen the show)disagree. It's also funny how you seem to be offended by it, judging by your language. I find it interesting how passionately you react to something that really shouldn't make you upset but after reading some of your other posts and reviews, it's clear to me that you have some issues and seem like a pretty angry and unhappy person in general. It's beyond me how one can't see the genius of the BBC's Sherlock for example and I am very thankful that I don't have the twisted perception of things that you seem to have.

Anyway, about Ambassadors- I think it is great and refreshing. It also made me laugh out loud and I think the comedy is perfect for the kind of show that it is. I am also enjoying Mitchell and Webb in a more serious light as well. Not sure what your deal is with the BBC and the Royal family, politics etc.. I am American so I obviously don't have the same perspective about things someone might have from the UK but the criticisms seem apt to me. Also, really not sure what makes you think the actors have no love for the series, David and Robert have voiced in interviews that they are very excited about the series and surely they genuinely are. None of the acting felt forced to me. Another point, this show is NOT a comedy, it is a drama with comedic elements- Mitchell has said this himself.

Clearly, you have personal issues that are distorting your perceptions of not only this show, but many of the others you have reviewed. Maybe it's time to take off those crazy glasses and try to see things as how they really are instead of what you are projecting on to them yourself? Just my two cents...

The great unspoken telepathy of man...


Fail fail fail fail post! Love this show!


dont worry about him, hes the british equivelant of a glen beck or rush limbaugh listener, they decide everyone who disagrees with them is a marxist, they hate the guardian for revealing more corruption and government/security services scandals so try desperately to claim its all just an extreme left wing bias so its not real and they still believe in a hierachy in society, the chief symbol of which is royalty, so they are getting very, very defensive now that the majority of the public tend to answer polls saying they wouldnt mind seeing the end of monarchy. oh and of course the bbc is an evil illegal soviet institution or something, like this guy believs that clearly its left wing propaganda for making jokes about royals, though it also mocks the left like the human rights guy being a self important idiot oblivious to the problems hes caused for people, a pretty right wing jibe, but that doesnt fit the message that the bbc is a great left wing dictatorship that you have to pay 100 bucks a year for a few dozen radio chanels and i think 9 tv channels, and has to provide news/education/culture/special interest programming etc.

the fact is most people like the bbc in britain but there are those who are ideologically opposed to anything state supported and theyve been jumping on recent scandals to try and amplify the distaste for the bbc in a hope they can kill it after a 100 years. also a lot of it is they wish there were no bbc news or world service as it makes it a lot harder to make things up and be like fox/msnbc with lots of of people telling you what it suits them for you to hear, and as the bbc is the most trusted and widely watched news source in the world, it hurts people all over the world who find the truth incovenient, hence you constantly hear from the right that the bbc is totally left leaning any time they challenge mistakes by the right while you also constantly hear from the left that its totally right leaning and pro establishment and deliberately doesnt challenge certain things as hard as they should or anytime they challenge the left too hard. its a farce, but you could show the poster above anything and tell him the bbc made it and hel list you the thousand things wrong with it and how its all propaganda, and then you could show him bbc programes and tell him they were made by someone else and hel tell you this is much more like it, far less lefty, much funnier etc etc. trust me that guy has no interest in facts, hes pushing an agenda, im guessing he makes posts like that on everything bbc simply for being bbc. in fact hes already done it, the show he recomended instead of this funnily wasnt another british tv show by another channel, which being a little englander youd expect, it was veep, a show based on the bbc show the thick of it, written and created by the writer and creator of the bbc show, so bbc humor as long as its not under the bbc logo, brilliant. ah this guy is a walking cliche.

i do love as well when people try to marginalise the guardian as just lefty propaganda, theres a reason its the paper mentioned in films and tv shows above all the others and why its name comes up places like this, it has the record for breaking major stories of game changing implications while making fewer mistakes than the competition, is judged by impartial groups on journalism standards as one of the best investigative journalism sources in the world, so people that really dont want reality getting in the way of their political dogma all try sooooo hard to scream bias. theyve broken some of the biggest stories in journalism, get over it and move on, if you have things you know wont stand up to scrutiny thats bad, for everyone else its the entire purpose of a free press, its the same thing they whine about with the bbc, they cant credibly ignore the bits they dont like by claiming political bias so the stories they dislike are far more damaging, hence they attempt to scream bias even louder hoping in the end people will hear it so often theyl believe it.

fact is there was a reason to mention a half wit royal and the guardian in a show about diplomacy in a corrupt central asian country, its based on real events. prince andrew, when he isnt in court for the bribes hes been caught taking, is a trade representative, unfortunately the courts have decided that as its a voluntary position and hes not on the pay roll, its a position he cant lose even when caught breaking the law. the second episode was based on events as reported by the american ambassador and later revealed in the wikileaks of diplomatic cables. its about the time in 2008 in uzbekistan that prince andrew, at a public dinner with dimplomats and businessmen went off about 'those *beep* journalists' from the guardian 'who poke their nose in everywhere' by doing their jobs by looking into bribery and corruption in the region, and a dinner where the businessman admitted that no deals get signed without the presidents son maxim getting his cut or 'consultancy fee'. reporters looking into such things hurt andrews bank balance it seems, as at the time hed just sold his mansion that no one wanted to buy when it was £12m to a saudi prince for £15m just as hed helped saudi arabia secure a large arms deal with bae, a deal that nearly couldnt go through due to anti corruption investigations sparked by the guardians reporting. so how do you a story about a corrupt prince whining about the guardian without being disparaging about royalty or mentioning the guardian? those damn leftys making stuff up.... oh i know buddy, reality apparently has a well known liberal bias, what would this guy think was the fair and balanced way to tell that story? bury it and never mention it because it embarasses something he likes, but hed be outraged at the scandal if you ever bury something that embarrasses something he hates. and the clown talks about bias....


Cool, thanks for the insight. It's sadly comforting to know you have the same kind of patriotic idiots over there too. And cowardly I might add seeing as how this pathetic troll hasn't even come back here since his original post.

And I love The Thick of It but I assumed Veep was crap and didn't know they had anything to do with each other..

The great unspoken telepathy of man...


sorry it was so long but i kill time in here when the other half keeps me waiting, and oh yes, everywhere has their ignorant types, sadly over on your side of the pond they just have the unfortunate habit of being given tv shows or some other platform. the news landscape there always makes me think of the will rogers quote, 'the problem with practical jokes is that very often they get elected', only in this case made major media personalties lol.

ive not seen veep either and i love the verbal gymnastics on the thick of it but they are both created by armando iannucci, though it looks like there wont be anymore thick of its for awhile at least as peter capaldi aka malcom tucker has just been made the new doctor who, the biggest scripted (as opposed to the reality talent show dreck) show on british tv, its like the tv equivelant of being made james bond over here. im still not sure i can believe it every time i think back to his epic raging rants, the idea of him in a kids sci fi show, its a funny thought.


Well the OP never saw Peep Show then.
Nor did they watch all of Episode 2, otherwise he would have found out that in the end they all respected Prince Mark/Andrew.
And comparing the over the top VEEP to this.....


Wasn't the point about the Prince in episode 2 that contrary to expectations and his behaviour as an arrogant fool, he managed to seal the contract and make personal connections with the regime that the ambassadors could only dream of. So in the end the joke was on those disparaging him.

I imagine that in certain countries, in particular Arab monarchies, Royals do serve this kind of function quite well.


Well, I have to disagree. I don't think it is 'genius' and 'brilliant' as others seem to, but it is very much this side of good. The characters are nicely thought out, the situation is amusing (it is the arse end of the world, but neverthless it has its moments of importance), and as for Prince Mark, well, others have already pointed out how you got the wrong end of the stick entirely, and anyway Tom Hollander seems to add a certain class to more or less everything he does. This gets a realistic 7/10 from me.


If you'd get off your BBC/Guardian-bashing high horse for a moment and check out what IMDb users are saying, you would seem to be in a minority. I have only seen the first episode so far, but I found it to be a good programme - not a 'straight' comedy, admittedly, as there were several serious issues that were alluded to along the way. It was hardly the left-wing cliche that you would have us believe as the luvvie actor and the direct action protester - surely two absolutely solid left wing stock characters - were (rightly) given short shrift by the ambassador on the drive to the airport when he pointed out how they were happy to disparage and take advantage of the FCO, but wanted its help the minute they got in trouble. Beautifully done.

Your comments betray your anti-BBC bias. I suspect that The Ambassadors could have been the funniest thing on earth, but because it came from the BBC rather than, say, Sky (am I close?), you feel the need to totally denigrate it. As 'journalism', that is a pretty poor approach.


I cannot help that other imdb subscribers have a serial lack of taste when it comes to comedy, my opinion is just that MY opinion. As for the personal attacks, well that's just typical of your guardian-reading, left-wing ideologs who cannot see the wood for the trees, they will some day, unfortunately, it just isn't today.

It is my firm belief and from what I've read the belief of millions of others that the BBC just cannot 'do' comedy any longer being as they are so tied down by political correctness and liberal platitudes.

In closing, it seems that my review did reflect the majority-view seeing as how the show was cancelled almost immediately. Perhaps Ambassadors will have a better chance once resurrected as a drama, now that I might sign up for.

I choose to believe what my religion programs me to believe.




Well, that got you some attention. Now what?


the expression on [the actors'] faces is one of abject misery, they just don't seem to want to be there

Well, then they did a really good job as actors! Because for the most part, the characters actually don't want to be where they are. Extra credit for the actors then, and a fail grade for you in attentive watching.

this is meant to be a COMEDY

Wherever did you get that presumption from?

I agree with the other poster further up, it's pretty obvious that you've already made up your opinion about the show before you even started watching it, based on your political bias. If someone showed this to you without telling you that it was commissioned by the BBC, you would've absolutely loved it.

It's sad when people can't help having their political positions and prejudices distort their enjoyment of the arts, especially if they don't even seem to be aware of it… That's why party supporters are always so miserable, and a bummer to be around.
