Watched the Director's Cut

I came across the 5 1/2 hour version the other night. Ended up watching both parts in one sitting, with a brief intermission.
I cannot think of another film where I felt as wrung out as the final credits rolled.

I can honestly say, even at 330 minutes, I wasn't bored. There was a bit of 'how long is this anyway' during the last half hour admittedly.

If you're a fan of the film the DC is worth seeking out (I've not seen the 4 hour version). This film isn't for everyone, but to me it was one of those films that I'm glad was made.

Stellan Skarsgard reminded me of Michael Langdon's (DaVinci Code) slightly mad brother, incidentally. I wonder if this was Lars having a bit of fun.

The abortion scene is one of the toughest scenes I can remember for a long time, be warned if you're squeamish.

She's a man, it's a sled, he's dead already.
