MovieChat Forums > Focus (2015) Discussion > You Americans are so sad

You Americans are so sad

I've just looked at the first couple of pages of this board and about 90% of the discussion is devoted to discussing RACE. Why are you all so goddam obsessed with RACE? I am Australian, we have a very multicultural society. While it certainly has its pockets of racism, it is nowhere near as colour-coded as your awful society. I can say in all honesty it never occurred to me even for a second while watching this film that the lead actors were different skin colours. I did not even notice, let alone care. That's because I wasn't raised in a culture that talks about 'us' and 'them' and what one colour does or doesn't do and the differences between colours and who should or shouldn't mix and BLAH BLAH BLAH. It;s all product of hate and fear. Why can't you just treat each other like human beings instead of dividing up into your little 'teams'. It really is both sad and sickening.

/end rant


You are new to IMDb arnt you?


LOL you're Australian and have a multicultural race? Are you for real with that statement?

You might want to lie about something that is HARDER to verify or LESS publicised.

Racism is a world problem and all you do with dumb "axe" statements like this is show your ignorance.

-only uneducated minds are not open to any ideas other than their own.


Yea. And the most racist are black people imho (yes it is an opinion!). If another black person uses the word N - even not knowing the person - it's fine but when someone different race does that... ohh boy... Basically a definition of racism as "poor treatment of or violence against people because of their race". Yet they are the "victims"? How detached are those people? You literally TREAT DIFFERENTLY SOMEONE BASED ON RACE!

I'm only 28 but Hollywood cliches are killing me... who's still buying into them?


My philosophy: No one uses it at all. That way we wouldn't have these discussions.


Oh, that's some bull**** to claim that black people are the most racist. You're the one who's detached and clearly not understanding anything about black people or racism, for that matter---you're just whining like a little kid about not being able to use the N-word around us. Why the hell would you even want to use it, knowing what it means? White people are because they're always had the law and the numbers to back up their racism and to enforce more than anyone in this country. And, as a black person, I hate the N-word and never use it, but other black people do---it has a different meaning among black people to try and take the sting out of it, and the word has never meant anything but hate coming from a white person, period---that's how it's always been used toward us. I don't and have never liked it, no matter who uses it--I hate that word and the history of racist violence behind it. It's a matter of respect---if someone says to not call them a certain name, you don't call them that--period. How damn hard is that to understand? And how the fck is that being racist when we're asking you nicely not to call US a racist term? You don't what the hell you're talking about --that's why I have to call out the stupid bull**** you just posted here. You get it now? Of course you don't, because it's all about you, no matter what.


They way u guys treated the Aborigines shows ur as bad the rest of us. If not worse


Oh please,stop with the I'm from a foreign country and we don't think about race,BS.I've been to Australia and your countrymen have issues on race like us Americans.Oh and because there's more women than men you're very sexist also.


Not all Americans.

Just the retarded inbred conservative ones who like to infest IMDB boards.


... YOU, angxjp, are what we proud CONSERVATIVES call LibTards!


And I'm calling you both Cro-Magnon *beep* for using offensive words like "retarded" and "tard". Can't you call each other names without invoking a denigrating term for people with mental disabilities, most of whom don't give a rat's ass about your politics?


Calling us both names just showcases that you're a hypocrite... a deluded hypocrite to think that anyone actually gives even a 1/2 of a rat's arse about your inane opinion on political correctness &/or your political perspective(s).


Proud... Ha... That's the word


Conservatives are proud. They're proud of being stupid.

Made you look!


I love it when people like you show your true colors.

Judging all conservatives because of the extremists who are racist is EXACTLY the same kind of intolerance and judgmental ignorance that leads to racism, homophobia, sexism, islamophobia, etc.

The left thinks they get a pass because their hatred is aimed at groups of whom 8 years of Obama's leftism has taught the world that it is OK to hate. Conservatives, gun owners, any and all Christians (BUT NOT MUSLIMS, you better watch your mouth you Islamophobic bigot!)

It's hypocritical ignorance through and through and the results are in: The country is more racist and divided than it's been in many decades. Liberalism is a mental disorder.


Uh, no, the left dosen't get a pass on s***. The left at least knows how to check itself on its bull****---the right never does. Leftism was around before Obama even came into office---you showed your ignorance. Both the left and the right need to be called out on their issues, but the right because they show way more racism than the left. Not saying the left dosen't have any, it's just that the right seems to be all about showing it more. You're just pissed off that the right isn't getting a pass on its bull*** anymore than the left is. And Obama didn't tell anybody it was okay to hate, so stop claiming that damn lie. trumpf has done that, and the country's even more divided now. The truth is, this country has been divided over race since it started over 500 years ago. Racism didn't start with Obama---only an out-of-touch right-wing idiot nut like you who clearly dosen't know ANY American history actually thinks that. And it's Muslims,and black folks who have been getting attacked even more since that old, ignorant, stupid, backward-a** racist bastard trumpf started spewing his hate on the campaign trail. Everything you said applies to the right, not the left---you only wish it did. Keep dreaming that it does---that ain't gonna happen.
And liberalism isn't a mental disorder, you fckg idiot. It was liberals who started the civil rights movement, the women's movement, the environmental movement, and every other movement worth a damn that changed this country for the better over the last half century. So enough of this "liberalism is a mental disorder" bull**** because it's a damn lie. Especially since the republicans backed a fckg idiot like trumpf into office,even thought they knew his sorry a** wasn't even qualified to be in the WH, and now they're all embarrassed and wishing they never voted for his pathetic, know-nothing a**. Too damn late now--there's still room for impeachment,though.


I think the point OP is trying to make is the obsession Americans tend to have with race. It's not an argument over who is more racist but simply the fact that the question of race is even being discussed. Everyone just needs to chill the *beep* out.


Though your subject title is just asking for it.


pssst. its just the news/tv/etc... not the actual people in the us living their lives. for the most part they could care less (racist talk brings ratings)


Here in America, ours is a history rooted in racial distinction, separation, bigotry, if you will.

It is who we are and I fear who we will always be. We cannot escape our past. Tho there are those of us Caucasians who strive to be indifferent, alas, we still maintain our guilt over our prosperity based on slavery and condemn someone as racist at the drop of a hat.

We are two-faced in our racial judgments. We chastise others as racist, to make us appear 'above' such behavior, then on something like the net, we delve into our true selves and how we really feel about . . . . . 'them'.

We are Americans. It is who we are. Don't judge our judgment of others, please.


Don't shoot the messenger, shoot the idiot that is pushing the interracial agenda in everyone's faces. Most people want to be taken OUT of the real world, and the Robbie and Smith coupling just reminds the audience that there is a new club, and White Males aren't allowed in.


Don't shoot the messenger, shoot the idiot that is pushing the interracial agenda in everyone's faces. Most people want to be taken OUT of the real world, and the Robbie and Smith coupling just reminds the audience that there is a new club, and White Males aren't allowed in.

Yeah, right ...


Honestly, you whiny dumb-a** racists make me laugh. Interracial couples have been in America literally since it started. That's been just over 500 years, so it's way too damn late to start wasting time getting pissed off about it, lol! Why the hell should you even give a fck anyway? An interracial couple getting together ain't none of your damn business anyway. It ain't got s*** to do with you. Worry about your own damn business for a change.
