Motorcycle chase > Fast & Furiouses

The motorcycle chase in this movie was far better than anything in the fast and furious series since tokyo drift...

Fast, intense, felt real and i loved the way it ended, adding an element of visual storytelling that is lacking in most contemporary movies... so good


hhhh you are funny so are you a FAF hater!
In f8 for example you got that big race in cuba also what about NYC chase with impressive stunt work and don't forget the Ice Chase i mean from one motorcycle chase in MI movie its become better than the whole FAF chases?!


Haven't seen F8, but i thik fast & furious usually looks too CGI and has less tension...

Also, hard to beat a girl on a bike ;)


Yes there Is CGI in F8 but 90% from stunts are particular effects for example the whole Ice Sequence was real expect the submarine and tge same in Cuba race was 99% real according to stunt coordinator even the fire from the engine was real when they filmed it also about the wrecking ball was real expect they changed the color in computer and NYC stuff was real so what your problem with chases in FAF


I haven't seen F8... I just like MI5's motorcycle chase better than the ones in the previous Fast and Furious movies... personal taste ;)
