More Dancing!

This show could actually be good, if it showed some actual dancing. Why don't they show more of the process of putting a piece together, allowing the audience to connect? There would be a bigger payoff when they show polished, finished pieces, and it would create its own drama. It's such a shame that the determination to create dumb, stagey narratives overrides the boys' natural chemistry and ruins a really great premise. The producers have basically shat on the very premise that makes the show stand out- a show about dancers and creating a dance company, by trying to show as little dancing as possible. The chances of this thing getting renewed is like, nil, which is really disappointing.


--- It's such a shame that the determination to create dumb, stagey narratives overrides the boys' natural chemistry and ruins a really great premise.

IKR! Melanie's injury was so poorly acted. Mel looked like she was gonna crack up when she was in the kitchen getting ice.

Serena's Golden Summer: Wimbledon, Olympics, U.S. Open.
