Harry Potter

The film should be called "Harry Potter is Dead", horrible pun I admit, but that's all I could think of when I saw the character of Jamie Marks in the trailer.



"The value of an idea has nothing whatsoever to do with the sincerity of the man who expresses it."


i'm confused, where's the pun?

Plot hole - Aspect of a film that is misunderstood or missed while using your smart phone.


Harry Potter is DEAAAAD! Heeehehehe


Correctamundo. They even put similar glasses on the guy. Class-A lookalike. "Harry Potter is Dead" was what sprung to my mind as well.


While watching the film, I couldn't stop thinking about how he looks like a cross between Harry Potter and Moaning Myrtle.


Hah! Yes exactly!


I completely agree with you! All I could think of watching this movie was how much 'Jamie' looks like Daniel Radcliffe. I hope Noah Silver doesn't get type cast because of it.


OMG -- I know!

Noah Silver looks so much like Daniel Radcliffe it's not even funny, and with those glasses he was a dead ringer (ouch!, sorry) for Harry Potter.

It Follows: 8.5
Whiplash: 9
'71: 8.5
Two Days, One Night: 9


Totally. I also couldn't help but think the entire time that Jamie's voice sounded like Napoleon Dynamite's brother, Kipp.

"Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man."


Yes I thought it was Daniel Radcliff at first. Had to check the credits.
