tiny thing I don't get...

I have just started watching this and am totally thrilled, as any horse-lover would be. But I don't get something: I'm at the point where the vet is arriving to the horses to assess their health, it's been two days since they were first discovered. The girl was there the day before with her brother, now she's coming back with the vet, and they're still not bringing any hay or any other kind of food to the starving horses. Why? Could food do even worse harm to the horses after they've been starving for who knows how long? In the state they're in, how could anything possibly do worse harm than good? They have horses at home, they obviously have food for their horses, so why not bring some up right from the start? Along with some blankets? It's not like they can't bring that sort of stuff with them on the snowbikes they used to get there. Seems pretty weird to me. Anybody have an idea?

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


Maybe they did in real life bring food and blankets right away and for the movie they didn't want the actors carrying a bunch of heavy stuff to interfere with the scenes.
