too old

Why use a child who already has adult teeth to play a young child who's never lost a tooth?


Agreed-it was very awkward trying to pretend not to notice those big ass chiclet teeth of hers.

Excuse me--ya'll lookin' for a dead body??


Big ass chiclets! lol. The girl was 8 and at that age the only teeth that children lose are their molars. I remember that when I was almost 13, two of my front baby teeth had to be yanked out because my grown-up teeth had been crowding for like four years.(my mom acts lots of iron when pregnant and it took awhile for those teeth to fall out which why they had to be yanked). I was getting braces and so, my orthodontist had to yank out my teeth. It's kinda sad that he didn't give them to my mom. I was too much in pain to request them.

It would be so nice if something would make sense for a change.
Alice in Wonderland


Nope. Kids lose the lower front teeth first - 2 of them- then the upper front. Then the lateral incisors then bicuspids and finally molars. As a dental hygienist I found that flub very difficult to. Overlook


Very educational post, I find that quite interesting.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.
