Italians are evil

I am just a bit curious, why is it always italians that are in need of an exorsism? I know that thay are all crazy religious, but seriously. "Based on true events..." In a place with so many people, it was only italians involved with this. I guess demons play favourites.

--There is no spooon


Actually there are cases of demonic possession with people of many other religions, evil is everywhere.



I'm italian... I could say I saw (and heard) a lot of strange things... and as many others from other cultures D'd say there are these so called urban legends even here, Ok you may call them urban legends but I do not intend it in the negative true sense of the term, using it .

I do believe good and evil are just inside human nature, and I refer to it as the capacity (human's) to own and use rationality.

About all things related to possessions, demons, exorcisms... you may find a lot of documentations about life of many Saints, especially from Italy... things could be true could be fake... sometimes there's a need to believe, sometimes you see something making you believe some other times you just don't believe any.

as for werewolves... I try to keep a very open mind about everything...

nonetheless... I enjoied this movie


I understand where you're coming from and I'm glad you've noticed this. What you have to understand is that it's just played out as a hollywood stereotype. No different than anything else when you think about it.


Ok this was too hilarious


Didn't the priest say the Claudia character was from somewhere in Latin America? Her daughter was the priest's first exorcism
