Are they serious?

I just read that Eddie Murphy will only have cameos, but the show will be about Axel Foley's son. Are they serious? They really think Brandon T. Jackson can carry this show? Why isn't Eddie Murphy playing the lead? Cameos?


Making this show with Murphy cameos is the best shot at getting a 4th movie made. If this show becomes a hit, it's a sure thing.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


The show won't last though. Jackson is no Eddie Murphy. I hope a fourth movie is made. If this show makes it happen, so be it. But if there is only this show and nothing else, I'm not for it. I really want to see Eddie make a comeback.


Well, I can't say for sure, but I don't think he's making "cameos". I think it's more likely that Axel is a recurring character. A cameo makes it sound like he's only there for a matter of moments and if you blink, you'll miss him. I would assume that he's going to be a large part of the first episode, a minor part in the second episodes and from that point he'll pop up once or twice a season.

At this point, Eddie doesn't have anything besides this pilot dated on IMDb, so he has plenty of time to make prominent appearances from time to time.


This is mostly correct. I just watched the pilot. Murphy is a supporting character in the first episode. Much more than a cameo. It did not end like he would be in the 2nd episode, but could easily pop up again at any time.
Another character did have a cameo though.


I have to seriously agree with WarpSpeedSulu about if the show is a hit then it is nearly a sure thing about a fourth movie being made.
My fear is though that the series may do something stupid or silly that then couldn't be in a fourth film.
But lets hope that nothing bad happens like in the 3rd film killing off Axels boss for eg.
Eddie Murphy though in the past did turn down a script for the fourth film because he wasn't keen on having Billy Rosewood getting killed off.
I would love to see though in the series Rosewood,Axel and Taggart catching up all three of them but at the moment noone knows if Taggart will be back for the series or not and if he does how would it work?
