MovieChat Forums > The Act of Killing (2012) Discussion > Indonesia as a country is rotten to the ...

Indonesia as a country is rotten to the core

Wow. Just wow. Total criminals are running around, beating, murdering, stealing everywhere and since they are part of the paramilitary, it's no big deal, they are above the law.

A small elite screws everyone else and if you're not happy with it, you die.

Whoever has a brain should GTFO out of that country, the faster the better. No better than Stalinist Soviet Union really.


I hate to admit but you are right
This movie reveals much more gruesome facts than i already seen everyday.
Don't get me wrong, for some reason i love indonesia; food, friends, childhood memories, etc, but for some... so much more reasons, i hate this country.
Paramilitary in indonesia isn't just pancasila youth, there is religious nuts called islamic defender front, they openly support terrorist that commit suicide bomb, and a lot more regional paramilitaries and/or mass organisations that seems above the law because the government official support them.

How about corruption? we are the champion, injustice? hell yeah
GTFO of this country? will do sir, canadian government already approved my permanent residence aplication (my sister lives there for 9 years and she sponsored me), and i'm moving out to saskatchewan canada with my wife and two sons in the near future,... gladfully.

but deep in my heart, i will always miss indonesia



but deep in my heart, i will always miss indonesia

I hear you.

I am not Indonesian but I think it is an extremely beautiful country with an amazing history. It could be one of the best places on the world if it were not for those societal problems that they have and that appear to be getting worse every year.

Sad, is it not.


Paramilitary in indonesia isn't just pancasila youth, there is religious nuts called islamic defender front, they openly support terrorist that commit suicide bomb, [...]

and how are you going to give us the proof of the connection between the religious nuts in 65 era and suicide bombers in 21st century? Your mindless opinion is dangerous, gentleman. This is going to impact the lives of innocent people you pull in this baseless opinion. And there were only two or so suicide bombing cases in the past in Indonesia don't talk as if it's an everyday thing. [I'm preventing myself from calling my fellow Indonesian as "idiot" here]

GTFO of this country? will do sir, canadian government already approved my permanent residence aplication (my [...]

Typical. I have a lecturer who studied abroad in western country then he came back to Indonesia to work and guess what, he was so proud of this western country he dissed the place where was born that had supplied him with rich and natural food no other nation could give. Not my business though since his teaching skill still sucked as any other local lecturer.

but deep in my heart, i will always miss indonesia

After you diss it in an international forum? You not expecting someone with sense like me parading in and destroying your speech?


and how are you going to give us the proof of the connection between the religious nuts in 65 era and suicide bombers in 21st century? Your mindless opinion is dangerous, gentleman. This is going to impact the lives of innocent people you pull in this baseless opinion. And there were only two or so suicide bombing cases in the past in Indonesia don't talk as if it's an everyday thing. [I'm preventing myself from calling my fellow Indonesian as "idiot" here]

at which point did i mention about the connection between the religious nuts in 60's era and suicide bombers in 21st century?
I just said that religious nuts in indonesia like islamic defender front openly support terrorists, they held ceremonial burial for the dead terrorists (dead by death penalty execution, dead by committing suicide bomb, or by anti terrorist squad raid) even when osama died they held mass prayer
open this link
and i never said anything about how often suicide bombs occur in indonesia, and putting innocent people in danger? which innocent people? those religious nuts?



No you're completely wrong, indonesia has the largest number of moslem citizen but indonesia is NOT islamic country, it support 5 diferrent religions: catholic, protestant, hindu, buddha and of course islam, the motto is "bhinneka tunggal ika" which is i think taken from the sansekerta language that means "unity in diversity"
It used to be run pretty well before the reformation era came in the late 90's and change everything from bad to worse.
Yes there's a movement to change this country from democratic to khilafah (whatever that means), those religious nuts even rented the biggest stadium in the country to officially declare that movement, and the government do nothing.

I'm not saying that islam is bad or every moslem is bad, i know a lot of good moslems, but man... the more fanatic they are, the worse they become.


Supposedly 80 percent of the country is Islamic. If you don't consider it an Islamic nation, you are either blind or stupid. I suspect it's both.


I'm not blind and you are plain stupid
So USA is a protestant nation
You're seeing the world from one point of view which is outdated and stupid; religion


It may be outdated and stupid (like your existence) but that doesn't remove the fact that it has a huge impact on culture.


Oh and don't forget that this message boards is christian boards because 80% members of it are christian


Considering the paramilitaries' actions it is shocking they still have a stronghold, open to discuss their actions. Absolutely no humanity shown, their delight of murder and rape was horrifying.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


The paramilitary doesn't have a stronghold, they only have a lot of members (that maybe aren't that much compared to total population of Indonesians) and a connection with the military.

It's not open to talk about murder and rape here honestly, these paramilitary scums are open to discuss their win. There is different perception here, and even if they are making an open ceremony, it's not everywhere in Indonesia, it's just in some place. Like a political party doing a campaign, but only to the members. The rest of us don't give a *beep*

I hate them for their arrogance, but what military isn't arrogant? Ever heard of martial law? I bet Americans did. Closer to home?


Ooh... idiots arguing with each other. How cute. You guys honestly know what you are saying, right?


No, Islam don't have huge impact in Indonesia culture, maybe because Islam religion is not from Indonesia history. It just come to Indonesia from Arab trader. Long before Islam came, there are Hindu and Buddha in Indonesia. And Indonesia is democracy nation and Indonesia law is not Islamic law. Not like Arab country. What huge impact in Indonesia are Corruption, Collution, and Nepotism.



Yeah, I commented to my wife about it being a deeply dysfunctional kleptocracy that isn't going to develop as long as it is run the way it is. It seems clear that politics and bureaucracy are only run, Sopranos style, to line gangsters' pockets and not to actually serve the public.

See a list of my favourite films here:



Brazil is in a very similar condition. Maybe worse, ultraviolent crime is common.

"You keep him in here, and make sure HE dosen't leave!"


Are you *beep* stupid OP? Or just plain idiot? Your topic boils my blood it reaches the top of my head. So you've watched ONE documentary and you dare conclude "Indonesia as a country is rotten to the core"?

Where do you live now I ask you? I will reveal just as how rotten your country AND your neighborhood AND any other nation on this planet are with a flick of my fingers.

I know Indonesia is not a socially perfect country, and there is so many daily idiocy I can found easily whenever I look, but it's only I and other Indonesians who can say that this country is rotten to the core without sounding like a total jackass OR fail retarded. Excuse my language as I excuse your idiocy.

A small elite screws everyone else and if you're not happy with it, you die.

I heard President JFK was shot in the head his brain was visible, what happened? JFK didn't like the current local elites, he died anyway.

I heard the other Indians were massacred by refugees from Britain (which are called Americans, by the way) so they could have some little place to live, what happened? The Indians didn't like the 'elites', they died anyway. Oh this topic was brought up in this doc, maybe you missed it.

I heard western countries are causing the civil unrest in Middle East (and the rest of the Muslim countries) because they are after the OIL and political as well as military influences. Oh what a surprise.

I heard the third building of World Trade Center collapsed because of planned demolition by elite INSIDERS? Oooh you don't want me to continue because I sound stupid and you don't want to hear the truth, do you? If you and the rest of the Earth civilians know what you don't know about your countries you'll cry.

By the way if you're not American I'm sorry that I don't care and still won't.

Indonesia is a HUGE country (have you ever looked at the globe even once?) with numerous races it's like the entire South East Asia merged into one, if you talk bad about THE WHOLE NATION you may actually be just talking about a small corner of this nation. Shame on your anthropology consciousness.

And did you miss some important point again, when some Indonesian TV crews were watching Congo and friends being interviewed by local TV channel, the woman and man said to each other something like this: "Aren't he going nuts? Killing so many people." / "He's rich though, from stealing things." / "No, he's not. He should have gone nuts. He shouldn't have been able to sleep."

It seems like we do have brains, fvcktard

You know what, what really disappointing me is, I thought only smart people would watch documentary films. I thought wrong. You prove me wrong :)

ps: AND DON'T give me "thanks for the local insight I hope you're not attacked by other Indonesians who don't like this publicity" HERE IS NOT NORTH KOREA FOR *beep* SAKE and most of us doesn't even care about this topic anyway the only thing preventing me from going online are Israeli bitches when I try surfing "hot jew dudes other than Daniel Radcliffe" on Google and the snail Internet speed my area has. Oooh generalized much? I'm doing what OP do so don't blame me.


Do you get paid for being part of the Pancasila Youth.




indonesia is rotten to the core. I hope people boycott travel to the place after seeing this film.

I give my respect to those who have earned it; to everyone else, I'm civil.




Oooh, another Obama hater with something stupid to say as usual--blah,blah,blah. Of course, none of you idiots had anything to say about that stupid-a** idiot Bush getting us into a war based on a lie so he could justify going over to Iraq and taking over their oil. Whatever,keep bringing the Obama hate (yawn)----you still lost the 2012 election---bwah ha ha ha ha ha!

