I liked it.

I liked the film. Nothing fancy, but watchable.


movie is garbage.


That helps


a snoozefest if you ask me.



I loved the first half. Creepy, suspenseful and forboding. I was really into it. The ending though was just poo. As soon as the twist was revealed it just ran out of steam completely. It was just flat, boring even.


did you actually watch!? this film is bad. the girl is pretty. that is all there is


Consider the fact that the script is probably written by someone in his early teens, the director just started and the montage/editing was done in a rather random fashion, I could say the movie is mediocre if not for the fact that it's one constant stream of clichés, without a break. Even only that doesn’t always hurt, but in this case everything comes together in a dysfunctional manner that makes it sheer unwatchable. An I-took-my-cam-out-on-the-weekend movie.
The only positive side is that its targeted audience is meant to be 10-15 years old, give or take; I most certainly shouldn’t have been watching this at all.


It was good. I've seen far worse than this one. I wish they'd picked a different girl who wasn't a fat ass though.

Scientologists love Narnia, there's plenty of closet space.


The movie bored me to tears, & like I said it doesn't help that the entire premise is as dumb as hell. The whole "initiation" on a deserted island thing. Naturally being a clichéd horror movie something goes wrong. Can you say "lawsuit?" Yeah that's worth a few mill after the lawyers get done. I'm sure the judge & jury are going to be sympathetic that all this was a requirement of the job. Surreee, I think so, how bout you?


The movie was pretty bad indeed. The first half was alright, it kept me interested, but as soon as the other character came in you already knew the 'twist' (if we can call it that..) so I lost all interest and then it just got really stupid.

If a little girl had really disappeared at that camp years ago, the parents would have filed a lawsuit against the camp and it wouldn't even be open anymore. And the characters just kept making such infuriating mistakes. Why didn't she just swim back across the lake from the island to the camp? I sure as hell wouldn't have stayed on that island with a maniac even if it took me an hour or two to swim back. It didn't seem that far away, it was just a lake, not the pacific ocean. The only thing I'll give them is that they remembered to show the dog at the end which is good.
