The Fiasco fiasco

Still loving Tabletop on Hulu but ran into a problem.

Every episode has been very entertaining and has inspired my wife and I to want to buy some of the great games showcased....until the horror that was the Fiasco 2-parter.

Wow. Wow it was bad.

Fiasco isnt a game as much as it is an acting improv show.
I wouldnt call it a tabletop game at all. Will calls it an RPG, but Fiasco is about as much of an RPG as Who's Line is it Anyway is an RPG.

I dont mind RPGs, but there was pretty much no dice rolling and no game master or any kind of game rules, its just four people comming up with a terrible movie script and acting it out. The only game rules appear to be a chart that gives you vague ideas to use (someone should panic about something in this scene).

So of course the hands-down worst episode of the show has to the be the one that is a 2-parter....sigh.

Fiasco was such a Fiasco that my wife no longer is enthusiastic about sitting and watching the next episode with me. Now she is worried that we will get another Fiasco episode that will slowly drain our lives away with waves of boredom. That 2 parter has really soured the show and we are hoping the next 4 or 5 episodes in a row are good and we can leave behind the Fiasco viewing experience.

I still like the show very much...but that 2-part episode was awful and I really hope there arent any more like that one.


I know this message board is dead I just like hearing myself speak. :)

It took a while but I got the wife to watch Tabletop again.

Luckily it was the Say Anything and Elder Sign episodes and the show is back on track.

We loved both episodes (the Say Anything one had us roaring with laughter).

So luckily we are back to loving the show..but there will always be that dread that another Fiasco episode will rear its ugly head.


Really dude? Because I loved Fiasco. In fact, I went to school with the big-boned girl dressed in black who authored the thing.

It is more of a writer's exercise than an RPG. There are no stats, no die rolling, no to few elements of chance involved.

But dude, I think you're over-reacting here.


I just started watching the show on Amazon Prime and while I've been enjoying it immensely, the Fiasco episode was hard to watch, so much so I was unable to finish watching the first episode and skipped the 2nd episode completely.
