Jewish Writing

Obviously, TV is filled with Jewish writers. In the pilot of We Are Men we hear Tony Shalhoub's character say kosher, and the minister saying oy.

I suspect this is because of one or two things:

1) An untalented writer sticking to what they know.

2) A vast Jewish conspiracy to indoctrinate.

I'd lean toward a little of both being the answer. Many times writers either can't leave their own perspective behind, allowing their backgrounds to creep in. I've also seen circumstances where other religious backgrounds are brought in, but no one in America can crack a joke with religious context like the Jews. You know if the punchline is Christian it's going to be at the expense of Christians. Quite an impressive feat the Jewish have pulled, working their culture into comedy without becoming the joke.

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I'm wondering if it's possible for you to be more of a POS bigot?

No. (I'll just go ahead and answer)

Not too bright either.


Didn't even read the post. What an open-minded individual you are.

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How mature.
