MovieChat Forums > Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015) Discussion > David Hayter still doing the voice. Koji...

David Hayter still doing the voice. Kojima trollin us

So Kiefer did the voice for Ground Zeroes. It was to throw us off. Outside of Ground Zeroes has anybody heard Kiefer Sutherland doing the voice? I have seen the gameplay videos but I don't think Boss spoke at all. I find it hard to believe that Hayter wasn't notified of any changes by Kojima etc. They have to be in contact on the regular because MGS is as much his baby as it is Kojima's. So until I hear more of Sutherlands voice in some new footage I won't stop believing.


That would be the best troll ever


You ask this a month or more after several trailers have been released with Big Boss speaking with Sutherland's voice.

Hayter isn't coming back, deal with it.


I'm still holding onto the "Next game is Metal Gear remake, so Big Boss and Solid Snake need to have different voices" theory/hope.




I'm hoping they actually remake the original first two Metal Gears at some point with Big Boss but they combine it into one game split into two parts using the Fox Engine.


He's still doing snake's voice in phantom pain. It's time to stop believing now.


I want to believe DH is coming back, but I know it isn't going to happen. I don't dislike Kiefer Sutherland, so I don't have a huge problem with him taking over the role but of course DH will always be Snake/Big Boss for me. I try to see DH as the Sean Connery of Metal Gear, with Kiefer being Daniel Craig, I can enjoy both. Still, I would love to be proved wrong and have DH return, and have Kiefer playing the role of a villain.


Hayter might be voicing Solidus, Kojima is good at his little tricks.


Oh right, he casts Sutherland as Big Boss to correct a mistake he made by casting the same actor for two different characters, fixing a complaint people have had since MGS3, and then put Hayter in as another character he has no business voicing just to piss people off again.

No, not happening, Hayter has nothing to do with the game, and Solidus is voiced by John Cygan.

And what little tricks? Oh that one thing he did with MGS2...the thing he said he'd never do again due to how it had a negative impact on the game and the sales of MGS3 for the first few months when sales are most important and has never done since. Yeah...I'm sorry but that one thing he did a decade ago does not mean he's full of tricks and the ultimate troll who trolls everyone with every game he makes.


No evidence of this at all. There's no reason to believe Hayter is in the game.


Okay. First off I love David Hayter he IS Solid Snake. But that's the thing... He's SOLID snake. I think it was a mistake to have him voice Naked Snake/Big Boss in MGS 3 to begin with. Big Boss is a completely different person! Well not completely but it was never thought that Solidus or Liquid should be voiced by David Hayter. It would have been kind of neat, continuity wise, if in MGS 3 he had the same voice actor as Solidus in MGS 2 since he is supposed to be the perfect clone. That being said I'm not a huge fan of John Cygan's performance. I personally like Sutherland's performance in the trailers so far and in GZ. Anyways just my opinion.



This guy get's it. 100% agree.

Jesus told Me to *beep* him up.

