How do you get to the story?

Because all i've been doing is running around, kiling people, and blowing stuff up. Lol. Its entertaining nonetheless but im just saying.


Take a break and listen to the cassette tapes. Think of the tapes like the codec calls you got on other Metal Gear Solid games. I will admit that I don't listen to them as much because I have been so addicted to playing the game.


Yeah. Killing people and blowing stuff up is awesome.


I don't kill as many people in the game because you get heroism points for not doing that. You going to grow that horn soon.


I was wondering what that was.


Well are you doing the missions thats the story.

If you are looking for cutscenes and a more traditional Metal Gear narrartive...

it really never happens. You will have essentially the same format, find this person, kill this person, find this intel, destroy this tank, follow this tank. Eventually every 5 missions or so you will get a short but well made cutscene. Then the game suddenly ends


I've resorted to fulton extracting people and i'm doing it alot now. i was playing it earlier when you brought that up and i started doing it more. its alot more challenging that way when you have to knock out a group of soldiers when they are all shooting at you at the same time. but i make it work. i get more points. and i want that horn to go away. and i've been using air support and the smoke from the fire support alot. ofcourse i've needed to use all my grenades to blow up the tank so it doesnt shoot down the chopper. and this game is alot more accessible than guns of the patriots.
