MovieChat Forums > Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (2015) Discussion > The reviews of this game are 'interestin...

The reviews of this game are 'interesting' re post Gamer Gate

Not least because MGS V was in many ways ideal to serve as a sort of pseudo 'litmus test' to determine the extent of gaming journalism's continued lack of professionalism, debilitating political agenda and general degradation post so-called 'Gamer Gate.

I am of course alluding to the clothes allergic 'Quiet' - a 'controversial' (apparently) female character that had puritanical SJW tossers masquerading as credible gaming journalists/gamers practically lining up to condemn/feign outrage over prior to the game's release.

The question was that if MGS V proved to be a great game, a near masterpiece even, would such politically-compromised reviewers unprofessionally mark it down/reduce their awarded score simply because of their political sensibilities and inane self-righteousness re Quiet?

Well from what I've seen via numerous reviews, the short answer is refreshingly 'no'! Although a fair few did think it still important enough to sneeringly lament Quiet's 'fashion sense' within their reviews though I note...

So if MGS V can be judged as a definitive example then the good news is that gaming journalists of speculative credibility aren't quite unprofessional enough yet to mark a game down for no other reason that it 'offends' their political sensibilities (I.e. not enough ethnic minority characters for their liking, not enough wimmin, the development team are 'too white' et al)....

For the industry's sake let's hope that lasts! 


Nothing wrong with her outfit. She breathes out of her skin, so it makes sense for her not to wear much. If she was a fat woman, the game would be celebrated because women would finally be "represented", even though the good looking, macho guys in video games don't represent male players and we don't moan at all. Women only complain about skin when it's an attractive female because, quite simply, they wish they looked like that. Also, it's a game from Japan. Have they not played games like Final Fantasy or even watched anime, or even looked at anime figurines? It's ridiculous.


She breathes out of her skin, so it makes sense for her not to wear much.

....Funnily enough a fair few SJW-leaning gaming 'journalists' aren't particularly happy with that explanation for her terminal aversion to clothing! As I say though it hasn't affected review scores which is good because MGS V is superb.

Still, I know what you mean though and like I say, it remains a legitimate concern that future games might be reviewed poorly by said 'journalists' simply because they've decided the breasts of a female character are 'too big' for example (and near-infinite variations there of).

But as MGS V surely proves we're thankfully not at the stage yet whereby extensively talented game designers have their hard work potentially f^cked over by the terminally untalented for utterly facile political sensibilities! 


Yea but "breathing out of her skin" is such a stupid reason lol, it's just made up to have her be basically naked. And "it's a Japanese game" isn't a good answer either.

I don't really care and I think the "controversy" is kind of silly, i'm not offended by the character or anything. But no doubt Quiet was made for the 15 year olds and other immature people


It actually holds precedent with the photosynthetic baddie "The End" from MGS3. And who cares about whatever "unrealistic expectations" or "misogyny" arise from a collection of polygons? Honestly, who the *beep* cares? And why the *beep* would they care? Amazonian warrior women cut a breast off to improve their balance with a bow. The Quiet dresses skimpy for the physiological purposes of bodily freedom. No big deal. Oh, wait, I forgot, anyone with a keyboard and an opinion has the right to b!tch incessantly. And if people have the right to do something, you better believe they'll abuse the sh!t out of it.

That poor assembly of polygons, such a slave to our misogynistic perversions. Someone get that girl a digitized T-shirt, STAT! 


I don't really care

But no doubt Quiet was made for the 15 year olds and other immature people

^Hmm, there seems to be some contradiction between those two statements! At least on a subconscious level. 

I certainly agree though that the explanation for Quiet's skimpy attire is plain daft (though perhaps perfectly in keeping with typically surreal MGS storytelling/plotting) and I'm not remotely gloating over the fact that some SJW's, feminists, other assorted circus folk et al are throwing a tantrum (for a change) about it either.

Pixelated and/or polygon boobies don't really do it for me but if it's choice between them or a bunch of narcissistic puritans effectively dictating to a creatively vibrant industry of things they deem to be reprehensible and wicked, then more pixelated boobies the better I say!

Again, I'm just pleased that MGS V's overall scores haven't been hampered......for the heinous crime of depicting a character in a f^cking bikini. After all, the omens weren't good....


If she was a fat woman, the game would be celebrated because women would finally be "represented", even though the good looking, macho guys in video games don't represent male players and we don't moan at all. Women only complain about skin when it's an attractive female because, quite simply, they wish they looked like that.

You are absolutely right! 

I wished I looked like one of the many action heroes in comic books, video games or movies, but us men are more laid back about the subject, women tend to be more jealous and envious, which is why they more often whine when an attractive female is shown in such materials with skimpy attires.

I've NEVER heard of a woman complaining about how Conan the Barbarian, He Man or Superman look like.

The GREATEST ally and BEST friend of christianity throughout history is Satan


Wait - if you were admittedly completely wrong in your initial assumption, then how come you still get to preen and canter around on your lofty high horse in exactly the same manner as you would if you were right? Do you know what wrong means?

You're quite an odd duck, aren't you, Makara? 

I think the (mostly) imaginary journalist-types that you refer to are worth about as much attention as those politician-types who decry videogames as murder simulators and the work of satan. I'm not saying trendy agenda driven internet journalists don't exist; I'm just saying their influence and power to ruin things for the rest of us in the grand scheme of things amounts to roughly the same importance as a fart at a Motorhead concert. So, what's the point in fretting?

For the night is dark and full of turnips


There have always certainly been costumes or moments of sexy fan service in the series - Eva, Boss, Kaz, Vamp, Liquid, etc. but my big problem is the TNA-hungry cinematography. Not to mention the really odd moments of sexual emellishment of seeing Quiet pose sexy in the ACC.

The outfit, I didn't like it (much preferred the XOF uniform), but I didn't think it ruined her at all. However, my positive thoughts about her as a character keep on being interrupted by the memory of the camera focusing on a butt-shot or her boobs.

It's kinda obvious it was done for fan-service and sex appeal, but the way Kojima tried to play it down as totally justified comes across as a bit of a weak explanation.

In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away.



It's kinda obvious it was done for fan-service and sex appeal,

Is that a bad thing in this instance though? You know, giving fans what they apparently want?

Have to say that it does seem as if most of those throwing the biggest tantrums over this non-issue post release are not naturally MGS fans/players anyway.....

but the way Kojima tried to play it down as totally justified comes across as a bit of a weak explanation.

Well if I recall he shrewdly dodged a bullet prior to the game's release by cryptically reassuring his would-be denouncers that all was not as it seemed with Quiet and hinting that her modest attire would be satisfactorily explained post release. This led some of his embittered accusers to excitedly theorise that Quiet was in fact transsexual.....

But with the benefit of hindsight it's clear that Kojima trolled his rabid detractors good and proper!
