might be the one thing I really dislike about this game. In my opinion they aren't fun to fight they are incredibly difficult for me to kill since I don't have many good dmg weapons and I'm just terrible at fighting them in general. If there was one thing I could say I hate about this game it would be the skulls. But I absolutely LOVE this game.


Yeah. Like Mission 16: Traitors Cargo. I cant get through this part. Its impossible. People on youtube make it look so easy.


I got in one of the big escort tank things with the big guns and shot them on that mission they went down pretty fast but they also destroy the tank thing pretty fast as well so it's still pretty difficult.


Someone on my thread said that in Mission 16: Traitors Cargo that you can just sneak around them and lure them away because they follow you as long as they dont see you and get alerted and once they're far enough away, you can just sneak back to the cargo truck and extract it and hall ass.


I run and hide and let Quiet kill them from afar.


I'm mixed on them. They're fun in terms of changing the pace of combat, but with the male Skulls, them being bullet sponges takes away some of the challenge and it feels like a slog through defeating them (although the counter-CQC move you can do to stumble them back with their own machete is AWESOME pulling off in real-time and the shotgun really does help in terms of taking down their armor).

In our struggle to survive the present, we push the future farther away.

