Wow, Grace sucks

"I'm not even going to tell my boyfriend I'm pregnant, I'll just go get a secret abortion. Nevermind, I love him, I'll tell him. Ooh, yeah let's get engaged. Nevermind, I don't even want to be with him at all now. Oh wait, nevermind, yeah I do. I love him."

She's a total loon. Mason should have been like "*beep* this, I'm out" and kicked her ass to the curb. He must be an idiot.


She has emotional and psychological problems, especially relating to pregnancy, due to the fact that her own father raped and impregnated her when she was younger! She did eventually do the right thing, and Mason stuck by her because he loved her...

I smell dark magic! It's a bit like burnt popcorn.


Wait, what? How did I miss that? When did we learn about that?


Wow you missed the climax of the movie then! She explained it to Jayden after breaking into her house


Yeah, she's got serious issues she should sort out. I don't think she's in the right frame of mind to be in a job like that.



sounds like you're the idiot Kudrich.


I can't get over how sick and inconsiderate people are on this board.

I can understand Grace was impulsive and not the best at times when it came to decision making. But people need to keep in mind - she's also young. Young people screw up and make mistakes. Take it from me! I may not have gotten someone pregnant yet I've done some things I have regretted in the past. In the end, I made it and I am still here. That is all that counts. I'm sure most of the people on this board have gone and done things in their lives they are not too proud of either. People shouldn't be TOO judgmental.

I wouldn't justify some of the stuff she did in this movie such as destroying the car of Jadin's abusive father yet I can understand why Grace and Jadin went ahead and pulled a Before He Cheats on the SOB's car. It is this lovely thing called PLAYING THE DEVIL'S ADVOCATE. Grace was also scarred and traumatized by the physical and sexual abuse from her father as a child. I loved how she went ahead and reached out to Jadin, a poor, abused soul just like herself as a child. Someone in my family was also sexually abused at a very young age so I know where Grace is coming from.

In addition, it is not uncommon for women to contemplate abortion when they discover, at a young age, they are pregnant and they are uncertain as to how this unborn child will shape their life for the next 15-20 years. Again, I am playing the devil's advocate even though I am not too highly fond of abortion. Let's leave that debate off this board please! This thread is reserved for talking about Grace's character.

At the end of the day, we are all only human and Grace was no exception.

If it makes the OP feel better, she keeps the baby in the end.


Agree totally. I wasn't sure if the ending was supposed to be happy or dark. I was wishing Mason had more of an arc, so that we could feel deeply troubled by the ending (his agreeing to take back a violent and terrible person), which would have been stronger, but instead the ending simply left a bad taste, and he seemed foolish. He should have been fleshed out.



Cut her some slack, dude. She's had a really rough life and is trying to work through it. And remember she's helping kids.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


This post made me laugh.
