Other movies like this?

About abused or troubled kids and teens in facilities like this? You guys know of any others? Off the top of my head I can only think of a movie called "10 1/2" and "White Oleander"... can you give me a list of others please?

"We all go a little mad sometimes." - Norman Bates


The Rock has one. The name is escaping me but really really good.


Gridiron Gang


It's kind of a funny story is set in a psychological ward


i love that movie. it's a personal favorite. the acting is good. the writing is above average. i'd say that's a good recommendation.

however, the movie deals with a combination of teen and adult mental illness. OP is looking for other movies that have to do with children in the system.

"You're an idiot." - Irisa Nolan, Defiance (2013)


Girl Interrupted


Girl on the Edge.
Hard to find though.


Manic with Joseph Gordon-Levitt Zoe Deschanel and Don Cheadle before any of them were as famous as they are now.

Characters are more important than plot.


Great film, the camera work puts a lot of people off the film (it's very Dogma 95) and Gordon-Levitt character is very tough to love. Don Cheadle is great in it as he's a bit like Brie Larson's character in Short Term 12. Also nice to see Zoe Deschanel play agaisnt type.


There's a Chilean year that also came out in 2013 called "Volantín Cortao" (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3342928/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1) with a similar topic. It's about a Chilean institution called SENAME. This is the institution that deals with underage people who have been molested or come from broken homes, or underage people who have commited some kind of crime. The protagonist of the movie is a teenage girl who works there and meets one of the guys who are currently staying at the SENAME. The guy comes from a very dangerous environment and they start hanging out together. It's interesting because it's an interesting look at social inequity from a non-condescending point of view.

Now, I understand it must be very difficult to find that movie (let alone subtitles), but I thought it would be interesting to bring it up because both "Volantín Cortao" and "Short Term 12" were released the same year and they deal with similar issues.


Detachment starring Adrien Brody.
Doesn't feature any such facility but it deals with some troubled kids

