FAKE Reviews

Many IMDb users absolutely abhor when filmmakers populate their film's page with one fake review after another.

Myself included.

I was able to find only two reviewers that had credible accounts prior to their review of this film and had posted something since then. And both those reviews were NOT as stellar as all the numerous 9-10 star reviews with exclamation points. There are some questionable board posts as well; my fave being the one-time poster who looks forward to "purchasing the DVD" as soon as it's available.

It is become clear that the vast majority of positive reviews for Muffin Top: A Love Story were posted by new accounts around the time the film was released and there has been no activity on those accounts since. It's essentially IMDb "cat-fishing" to boost interest in one's film.

Please. Regular IMDb users are not stupid. I came here for an honest assessment of the film before potentially streaming on Netflix. However, I will now avoid this film as it is obviously lacking if the filmmakers (and perhaps their family & friends) need to post so many fake reviews. I can understand an unsolicited one from grandma or a neighbor, but this many? A film should stand on its own merit.

Shame on you.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


Good catch. I saw the reviews and was wondering if I'd accidentally watched the wrong movie. It was horrible! Bad acting, bad script, and a bad attempt at being deep by pretending it's about feminism or female empowerment. It was tolerable to watch, but the fake positive reviews make me like it even less.
If they were going to make fake reviews they could at least have made them more believable.


You didn't miss anything. The lead (and creator/writer/whatever else is completely unwatchable. I got maybe five minutes in before I gave up and turned it off. Don't star in your own projects if you cannot act. And I understand having friends and supporters give positive reviews, but they're still disingenuous and annoying at best. All 10 stars? Really?
