Something Off

Okay, I get the idea. Someone in 2014 wrote a campy movie as if it were written in the 70s as a vision of the future. It's an attempt to create what people in the 70s think will happen.

But, it just kind of missed the mark at times. For example, there were too many things that you could tell were influenced by real culture trends in the last 40 years. Like the little girl getting on the captain's case about smoking. That's just nothing that a "visionary" in 1976 would imagine for his future, especially since that 70s writer showed the rest of the characters smoking like chimneys. Either smoking would be banned or nobody would care.

And, the closeted homosexual thing, no. Again, that 70s writer would either show that, in the future, gayness was universally accepted, or that gayness had been cured. Showing men still in the closet just wouldn't be a possible vision of the future.

But, what bothered me more is that a script writer in the 70s would have the Star Trek episodes fresh in his mind. I recall the episodes being shown regularly in the 70s. So, a 70s writer would be influenced by seeing them. Music wouldn't be played by plug-in clock radios. And families wouldn't use carved wooden dressers and the cafeteria wouldn't still be using drink fountains from a 1950s era soda counter. The writers would have taken what they saw on Star Trek and built on it.

Now, I appreciated lots of little touches that I did see that a 70s writer might guess for the future, like lots of buttons in the control room and tanning pods and video communications.

But, too much of it just felt a bit off.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


Set-wise, it's a mashup between Space: 1999 and That 70s Show... it's definitely "unique" and is probably more enjoyable if you've seen both, otherwise it probably feels like a bunch of inside jokes.


But, as I say, the fact that the writers wrote this in 2014 and pretended to be writers in 1976 trying to predict what the future looks like in 2014 makes the movie just ring hollow. As I say, there were too many references to things and culture shifts that really happened in the last forty years. And they all seem like inside jokes.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?
