Andre Aciman

Mr Aciman is an Egyptian Jew and novelist who lives in Cambridge, Mass. USA, whose recent novel concerns an angry and disenfranchised Muslim in America. In a recent review-cum-interview published in The Daily Telegraph on 27/04 (not sure if it's available online) Aciman is quoted as saying:

What I believe no one in the West has understood yet or has come out and spoken about with total candour is how a placid and serene person can, within no time at all, become totally radicalised.
This is one of the film's, and novel's, intentions. (I might add that it is dealt with as a political issue in the film Bamako.)

It's a great pity that fanaticism and those who strive to inculcate it in others for their own political ends is dealt with at a societal and political level as though it were a discrete symptom of an ideology or religion. Rather it deserves study and understanding at both the individual and group level because it poses such a danger to people and is destructive.
Never test the depth of the water with both feet
