
I wonder why didn't she tell Ahsha years ago who her father was?


Honestly, I would not have told her who her father was either, if I were in sloane's shoes. THey were fine before he stepped into the picture. Now look at them. Asha didn't need a father, because Sloane was everything a child needed rolled up in one. Asha didn't need or want for anything. She was a sweet girl and you just know her mother raised her with so much love.

Why introduce her to a father who is married, unavailable, creating emotional wall of need in the girl.

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The statement above is true.


Isn't Pete (Asha's father) is divorced or in the process of getting divorced? He told Sloane or Raquel (don't remember which one) about his wife/ex-wife only wanting to be married to him while he was a basketball star.


I meant, he was married when she was pregnant with asha. If I became pregnant by a man (heaven forbid) who becomes married while I am pregnant, and I had the option not to tell him about the child, I wouldn't. I would just tell the child her father is dead (if she ever asks). So I don't blame Sloane a bit. Kids who have sweet, loving, strong moms don't really need a father. Sometimes men are completely expendable, save for the sperm donation.


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The statement above is true.


^^^Please rewatch a couple episodes. Pete was not married to anyone before/during Sloane's pregnancy. Sloane caught Olivia and Pete having sex and Sloane decided it was best for her and the baby to be alone.

Pete probably got married a couple years later.


Ahh okay. yeah i probably misheard something.

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