I'm so over Asha...

Really, I have have been over her since she first got mad at her mom for not telling her who her dad was. As obviously, if her mom kept that such a big secret it was for a very good reason. I can't believe she was that dense to think her mom kept him a secret solely to hurt her. But, I'm digressing.

Asha has had the worse character development on the show. I gave this show a chance, but having a main character like Asha has just been dragging the show. Solane, Olivia, Jelena, Raquel, and Kyle are great characters with more depth. The Asha character isn't either of those. The writers have made her (at least to me) so unlikeable. She's overly dramatic about everything. She has only two people in her life that really care for her well being and she is shown constantly pushing them away but backtracking when REAL world situations become more than she can handle. She takes them for granted, especially German. With German, she seemed to sabotage her own relationship with a great guy for no valid reason. Lusting after a jerk is not a valid reason even if he is a bball player with a nice bod (because let's face Derek's face is not all it's cracked up to be). Though she is fictional, doesn't mean she has to be so unrealistically unlikeable. Her getting it on with Derek was just idiotic, as if her and Solane didn't have the crying session in the restroom after the talk about being with a man (like Derek) as a Devil Girl. Is she that vapid?

I will say that I am glad Solane became the coach. Now if she won't listen to mommy, she WILL have to listen to THE boss. That fact alone is the only reason I will be watching if there is a 2nd season


First, there will be a second season. That's been announced already. Not sure when but there will be. Secondly, Ahsha name is spelled Ahsha. You know...it's a palindrome. Third, Ahsha's mother's name is Sloane so for a while I didn't know who you were talking about. And lastly, Ahsha's character is written to be very naïve. She apparently lived a very sheltered life with her mother protecting her from everything, including her father. I can see that in her character and for me it makes sense.

While I would never not tell my daughter who her father was (hey, I'm that one who had sex with him so that's my daughter's fault) I would have explained to her about my life a long time ago. However, from what I could see, Sloane never wanted Pete to know she had his baby. If Sloane had told Ahsha who her father was, Ahsha would have likely searched him out. With his high profile life even after his pro ball days, he would have been fairly easy to find.

As for German, for him to break up with her after a tiny bit of competition speaks much more German's own insecurities and low self esteem than anything Ahsha did. He didn't think anything he had or they had together could compete with money, fame and status. He didn't trust in Ahsha's love for him which is worth a hell of a lot more than money or status. So for me, German has much more growing to do before he could be in a serious relationship with any woman.


lvrt1234-577-958627, I really didn't care how their names were spelled. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see which characters I was referring to. But to get back on track. Her character was written unrealistically. The show did not make it seem that she was so sheltered. Sloane wasn't shown to be a very strict or overbearing mother. Actually, she was/is very laid back. Yes, she likes to talk things out with her daughter about her well being, but being a sheltering overprotective mother was not what was shown. Reason why Ahsha being the way she is doesn't fit.

As for German, for him to break up with her after a tiny bit of competition speaks much more German's own insecurities and low self esteem than anything Ahsha did. He didn't think anything he had or they had together could compete with money, fame and status. He didn't trust in Ahsha's love for him which is worth a hell of a lot more than money or status. So for me, German has much more growing to do before he could be in a serious relationship with any woman.

You're kidding me right? If Ahsha's actions weren't typical red flags for emotional cheating then I don't know what are. Maybe it is because I am a guy, but no man should have to witness the woman he loves gradually leaving their relationship emotionally for a jerk like Derek. He trusted Ahsha until he saw her slowly change from being his loving girlfriend to the typical bad boy chaser. My best friend (who happens to be a woman) called it early in the season when Derek first showed Ahsha interest. It wasn't until the photo shoot episode that I agreed with her, and boom it unraveled just as guessed. Poor German.

So no I don't agree with you about German being insecure. A man isn't insecure just because he can see when another man is a threat to his relationship and his girlfriend is willingly falling prey to him. If a guy has to "grow" and accept that to be in a relationship with that type of "woman" then he needs his head checked as she isn't worth it.


lvrt1234-577-958627, I really didn't care how their names were spelled. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see which characters I was referring to.

The reason people learn how to spell in school is so that others trying to read it know what the hell the words are trying to say. But I see you corrected your spelling. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see you figured that out.

As for German and men well that explains it. No wonder only 50% of marriages survive. Men now are just weak minded and would rather fist fight and then give up instead of trust in love. If my husband gave up every time he thought a man wanted me and I was flirting with another guy we wouldn't have lasted a year. But hey, I do have a man not a immature boy.

Kyle called it the moment she saw him. "Insecure boyfriend," and she was right.


The reason people learn how to spell in school is so that others trying to read it know what the hell the words are trying to say. But I see you corrected your spelling. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to see you figured that out.

You're really getting this pissed because I spelled their names wrong? LOL, you obviously knew what the hell I was saying (and still do) as you responded to my post about the subject I posted about, even with those two names spelled wrong. If you have to resort to cattiness to "get your point across" then you really need to grow up.

In fact many men (including our friend on this board) seems to think all women want a man with money and status and she doesn't care how he treats her emotionally.

That is not what I think at all. Just because I don't share your opinion on German, does not also mean that I agree with your negative analysis about men thinking women only like money and status. You know what they say about people who make ASSumptions? Right.

And FYI, researchers have already stated that the 50% stat. about marriages is a myth. However, most marriages end because the two parties aren't equipped with for less of a better term "tools of the trade" to make it work. It has nothing to do with weak minded men. This will be my last response to you, as you are on ignore now.


"Pissed", "cattiness" are you the one that wrote these words

lvrt1234-577-958627, I really didn't care how their names were spelled. It didn't take a rocket scientist to see which characters I was referring to. But to get back on track.

Didn't you use the words "rocket scientist" and "I don't really care how their names are spelled". If you can't stand to hear your words directed back at you maybe you shouldn't use them.

As for spelling names. I must admit in my willingness I read your entire comment and had to guess at who you were talking about. It was not until you referred to "Asha's" mother as "Solane" that I was able to figure it out. Why I would waste my time was clearly where I went wrong.

As for what you were thinking, well, I can repeat your words as well. "I REALLY DON'T CARE." And the button ignore, sounds like you are the one pissed and as for me, God has kissed my cheek. Should I be so lucky?


On the contrary I like Ahsha. I don't want her to be too deep, or put together, because her world has kind of been shattered just as she is entering another one. Sloane, Olivia, Jelena, Raquel, and Kyle have been through the ringer already, Ahsha has not. I don't agree she was lusting after Derek, she tried everything she could to stop Derek. He kissed her in the elevator, and she pushed him away, she caused Derek to basically go insane because she would not give into him, no matter how many tricks, and underhanded things he tried. I felt German gave up to easily, he was doing things outside his character, he was letting that world change him, and Ahsha was still fighting, was she slipping, yes, but she was still holding on with at least three fingers. I hope they work it out, or at least get some closure. I can understand her feelings toward her mother's actions or lackthereof, she essentially lied to Ahsha her entire life. Her boyfriend changed letting jealously in, long before the kiss even happened, and her mother had been lying for a long time. She is in this new world and the two people she is supposed to trust the most are changing, doing the very same things (sleeping with pete, German trying to buy her and letting jealousy in) that they warned her of.

Basically Ahsha is at the starting line of her journey, and everyone else is halfway done.


nunyabiznesskay, oh she was lusting after Derek. You could tell that despite her actions her body language was saying something else. Which is really saying a lot about the actress playing Ahsha because she isn't the best actress, but she plays the "hard to get" role very well. Ahsha was intrigued by Derek since his initial flirtations, and she knew it was wrong. However, temptation is something else. And as we all know when it comes to attraction, curiosity and lust can go hand in hand. This is why I was glad she got a comeuppance (guilt) when German told her the girl he was with was a friend from work and not someone he hooked up with after they broke up.


I liked German at the beginning and it was nice to see at least one Devil Girl dating an Average Joe (Jelena's dating a star player, Kyle chases every rich guy in sight, Raquel was married to big-time agent, etc.).

But then he became so damn stupid. He spent $5,000 on a bracelet to impress Ahsha, he punched out Derek at a premiere, and instead of being happy for Ahsha when she won the lead in a music video, he got upset. -_-;


Rats_krad, exactly. That's what Kyle was trying to tell him. It was German who couldn't trust in Ahsha's love for him. They had been together for 3 1/2 years. German didn't know her better than that? German had everything he needed to keep her but he couldn't see that. His own insecurity in believing that Ahsha just has to want Derek because Derek is rich and has fame, is ridiculous. Forget trust, love, care, respect, commitment and loyalty.

In fact many men (including our friend on this board) seems to think all women want a man with money and status and she doesn't care how he treats her emotionally. German was a guy who was more jealous of Derek and Derek's life then anything Ahsha did to make him believe she wanted Derek. German had what was really important, love. In some cases there are woman who only want a man with money but there is a word for that "golddigger." If Ahsha was a golddigger she wouldn't have been with German in the first place, ask Kyle. There are many women who are not as shallow as some men want to take them for.


But then he became so damn stupid. He spent $5,000 on a bracelet to impress Ahsha, he punched out Derek at a premiere, and instead of being happy for Ahsha when she won the lead in a music video, he got upset.

All of that was competition stemming from Derek, and I agree, he was stupid to do those things. He spent the money thinking he would impress Ahsha because he could see she was being intrigued by Derek. And he thought he had to compete as Derek has a lifestyle that could afford Ahsha any comfort she wanted.

The overall difference that he saw in Derek that could only be the reason why Ahsha was so intrigued was money as German could compete with everything else (looks, self providing, caring for Ahsha, etc.). So that's why he thought an expensive bracelet would "make her turn her head" back to him. But, like you said that was stupid. By the time he punched Derek at the premiere Ahsha was already over the hump as far as temptation goes. Reason why it was so easy for her to slide into hooking up with Derek in the finale.

I think he got upset with her about the lead in the music video because it was his last straw. When she told him about being the leading lady in the video it took him to that place of thinking about Ahsha being with another guy (fuel to the fire with the whole Derek thing). It was stupid for him to get to that point. Instead of letting all that build up he should have sat Ahsha down and told her his feelings. However, he trusted his girlfriend and thought she understood, but that is a common mistake in relationships. A person doesn't know what you're thinking unless you speak up, especially since Ahsha was/is pretty dense towards his emotions anyway. Ahsha's actions were making him question things about their relationship (which were rightfully so). He should have communicated.


I'm so over the girl who plays Ahsha. For some reason her facial expressions and inability to act makes me not connect with the character
