Jelena is so Vindictive

She is just so mean. Trying to mess with Derek and Ahsha and then sticking the paparrazi on them to catch their secret relationship. She is so jealous and bitter that it don't make sense. Why does she feel so threatened by Ahsha?


I'd like more back story. I know it will come in time so I'm definitely being patient and taking the story as it comes, but I'm very curious about her life outside of the arena drama because I bet it'll explain a lot.

She seems to have NO life outside of the devils and causing trouble for others. She has to be completely miserable. She has her dream job, good looks, HAD a loving boyfriend, and a beautifully installed weave. But she is SO unhappy. And evil. Ahsha is constantly on her mind.

The most interesting part is that she HAS shown herself to be genuinely caring, though twisted. She seemed to care about Raquel and Terrence but her vindictive, selfish nature fractured her relationships with them.

