MovieChat Forums > Hit the Floor (2013) Discussion > Time to take down Jelena

Time to take down Jelena

Hopefully before the season ends, this ice queen goes down big time. She's got too much power to manipulate and scheme. Just like a super villian
She's taken down Sloan, Mia, Asha, Zero and Terrence. Wonder why she never messes with Kyle? Probably because Oscar fare's her. I wonder if she could take Jelena. She's in enough powerful men's pockets, it might be possible.


I know, I don't want it to make me dislike the actress who plays Jelena. They are giving her way too much power.

The statement below is false.
The statement above is true.



She's not even a fun villain because her a$$ is so miserable.

Too true. Jelena is, as Zero said, "the biggest thing in LA" and she's jealous of a newbie?? How? Why?


Why isn't Kyle in Jelena's radar? Simple: Kyle has nothing that Jelena wants.

In regards to Zero, I'm actually going to defend Jelena; he had it coming. He doesn't give a damn about Jelena; he's just trying to elevate his status by attaching himself to The Devil Girl Superstar. He's every bit as social-climbing and opportunistic as she is; how funny that Jelena can't stand someone who's exactly like her.


No!!!! They can not! Jelena rulez! :D She is the best thing, that this series has to offer... I like Kyle, but she's not a threat to Jelena, so why she should messes with her? She can not take down every girl, she need a team...

BTW: You are in team Asha and Sloan? Sory, but i dont like them, and i hope Jelena destroy them [;


Hopefully, Jelena has a sibling who has more power and more conniving than her. That sibling can bring than disgusting hateful bitch down. She can start by bringing Terrance down, and place the blame on Jelena.
