MovieChat Forums > Hit the Floor (2013) Discussion > Sex scene in confessional was the cornie...

Sex scene in confessional was the corniest I've seen since...

Elizabeth Berkely and Kyle Mclauchlan in the pool in Showgirls. I felt awkward just watching it because I could only imagine how dumb it looked in real life on the set during filming.

I'm newly addicted to this show despite it's [many] flaws. The writing is bad. The acting is bad. But they could have done better than that! Lol.


I liked it. She was obviously giving him a lap dance at that moment, she was only grinding on him.
the sex happened afterwards.

Life can only be understood backwards. It must be lived forward


That wasn't a lap dance. They were having full blown sex. The scene after Zero referred to it as biblical sex.


Didn't look like a lap dance at all.


They didn't even kiss. I know it's TV, but the scene just wasn't realistic.


yea like she put her hand over his mouth and threw her head around with her eyes half-closed and her mouth opened. and he looked like he was stifling a laugh.


A hot scene and a very hot location, a church confessional. It put a smile on Zero's face and mine !
