Zero. Really?

Whatever hope this show had...totally over it. Raquel and Terrance (without Jelena) have no point anymore. And Asha and Derrick's back and forth is so old. It's not even interesting. Sloane and Pete aren't interesting either. Only thing I enjoy is Kyle and her adventures. Jelena is a good girl now, or trying to be. I doubt there will be a season 3 at this point. And the point of this post, why the hell did the writers do that to Zero? It makes no sense and seems so random. Ugh.



My thing with Zero and Jude is this: if these characters were meant to be gay or bisexual, then let that be known from jump street! Zero and Jude were only interested in women for the entire season, and then they apparently woke up one morning and decided to be gay. That makes no sense. It's completely out of left field, especially in Zero's case.




I agree, they are doing anything to shock, and awe the audience. The gay thing doesn't make sense considering zero having hot sex with jelena in a church no less.

This is just a ploy to give jelena or someone else something to bribe zero with and drag him further into the ground.

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The statement above is true.


Yes, I ONLY just started watching this season and the "gay" thing completely turned me OFF!!! I ff through that crap, not every show has to have a damn gay storyline.. GEEZ! There are people who (yes still today) DONT enjoy seeing it..

Dont blast me for grammar errors its hard posting on the phone


Maybe zero is meant to be bisexual. as for jude, I don't remember much about him earlier in the season so I cannot speak for him.



IT's the new "jump on the bandwagon with the gay couple" that we are seeing on all the tv shows lately.


the zero being gay thing really pissed me off. Only because he's so damn sexy and was eye candy for the ladies! Now he has to play for the other team? Screw this show, seriously.

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The statement above is true.



Oh please. Zero being bisexual makes him even hotter in my books.


I agree. Some people are just uncomfortable when they perceive that others and their behavior don't fall into nice simple consistent boxes, they don't like anything in-between. In reality life is mostly in-between, there are many shades of sexuality and all those shades are "normal". It's probably more difficult for some viewers because Zero and Jude are men's men (straight talking-straight acting) and don't fall into the usual gay stereotype (gay voice-gay mannerisms).


It was made pretty clear that Zero is comfortable playing for both teams.


If you're watching the show for realism, logic or hoping to find something profound, you are wasting your time. It's soft core porn, with a mess of a plot about all sorts of awful, annoying and stupid people attached, to make it seem legit. But damn they are all so super fine looking! The hookup between Zero and Jude is totally random and illogical, but now the show is even hotter. Stay tuned for them to work in a random and illogical Lesbian hook up and the cycle will be complete. Then after that they can cancel the show.


Can't lie, the last episode felt like someone on the writing team WOKE UP. It was very VERY juicy and thrilling. Completely different in terms of pacing compared to the other episodes. Your post is spot on, I completely agree with everything you said. I just hope Kyle and Derrick are both back next season. Something about their last exchange...she mentioned something about one of them having to leave LA...I hope that's not the case. Kyle is a great character, Derrick is just ok but I'm already used to him so I hope he sticks around.


I'm not sure if you are responding to my post or not ymmhigh, but aren't you now contradicting what you first wrote at the top of this thread?

As for Kyle and Derek, to me they are just about THE most annoying and stupid in the whole lot, but I'm sure with so many annoying and stupid people to choose from, everyone will have a different choice as THE most.


Contradicting? How so? First post was weeks ago and the one above is the most current. Feelings can change and I clearly explain that it seems the writers have finally woke up. The last episode is the best of this season, in my opinion. They keep writing like that then I do believe the show will avoid life support again.


Hello ymmhigh: now I also notice the date and I assume you saw that episode earlier than us in Canada, where only last week we got to enjoy the first random Zero + Jude hook-up.

Your most recent post is most likely to an episode we have yet to see. Hence my confusion. Just chalk it up to my "old age".

Sorry for the confusion, we have been at cross purposes in cyber space, but I did ask it as a careful question, not an outright accusation.


Perfectly fine just glad you can see where I'm coming from. The show is building itself into a better program, guess we have to be a little patient:)


Better shmetter. I just watch for the hot bods and hook-ups. Otherwise it's one of the most annoying series I have ever watched. If I want quality I go for Downton Abbey!


Nothing wrong with the hot bods. I agree Downton Abbey is quality but it doesn't appeal to everyone, though it's my first choice. I do enjoy the hot bods.


BWAHAHAHAHA! I'm weak at your accuracy. One of the best posts I've seen on imdb in a hundred years.

Favorite Pastime: Feeding Trolls


Things are not what they appear to be, Jelena can never truly be the "good girl," it's too fun to be bad, plus whatever hurt her for her to go to the dark side hasn't been explored yet, her mom was just a teaser, a taste of why she crossed over. I believe it is going to get a lot darker, and they are using season 2 if people will stick around for the more darker tone. It was also renewed for season 3 on July 29


Gay storylines don't bother me because homosexuality doesn't bother me. What I hate is when they turn straight characters gay or bi. It doesn't happen that way! Please establish from the beginning that they have those inclinations.

I understand Zero is on the DL and couldn't go around shouting I'm gay I'm gay but have him secretly checking out a dude out or something! Maybe sneaking a guy out of his apartment. Jude and Zero were supposedly attracted to each other but no kinda flirting till that kiss outta nowhere! I guess Zero did buy him things. Maybe that's his flirting lol.

Still two hot guys getting it on I can live with.


Actually, while some bisexual people are aware relatively early on that they are attracted to both sexes, for many they are more aware of their dominant attraction until someone comes along to make them aware that they also have a small part that can be attracted to the other sex than the one they are dominantly attracted to. So Zero's story made sense to me even if that were the way they had presented him, but they actually show him to be aware he's bisexual but just not admitting it fully to himself nor acknowledging it at all to any else other than the occasional guy he sleeps with.

And I think that while we didn't exactly see Zero and Jude flirting, they were supportive of each other which I think we're meant to understand is an extension of the attraction they felt and couldn't act on. Or thought they couldn't act on.


This post is so late but I just got caught up. I wanted to add everyone jumping up and saying Zero and Jude "turned gay" is a bit immature don't you think? Both Zero and Jude made it clear they came to the Devils with an agenda. It's not that hard to believe they had secrets. Zero was over the top sexually, and when people are that sexually active, they will usually sleep with anything that can get them off. Jude was always questionable, and with a dad like his, it's no wonder he didn't broadcast his sexual orientation.

Also, people bring up Jelena and all the hot sex Zero and her had, okay he wanted her for his own end, and hot sex does not just have to be with someone of the opposite sex. If you peeps are confused. And if they were lesbians, no one would say a word. Zero said he had sex with men and women and I think that fits his character.

Sure there was big reveal before the kiss, but to be fair Zero was constantly touching Jude and brought him a Porsche, so there's that.

I will say the only thing I don't like is when they take a character that should just happen to be gay/bi and then make them a character that's only gay and define them by that. That is exactly what they did to Zero.

Vigorli~Harmony~Thorki~Stucky I SHIP IT!


I hate zero's storyline too, and I loved him with Jelena. I could care less abut Oscar's son in this romance, I liked him better when there was mischief.

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The statement above is true.


What exactly is wrong with Zero being with Jude? Zero and Jelena were toxic. There was nothing good about them seeing as Zero regards Jelena with contempt. Jude, on the other hand, challenged and encouraged Zero to develop as a person. He's a good influence on him as has been proven over the past 2 seasons. Just look at the fan responses in social media and how extremely well received Jude and Zero's relationship has been. They are now more popular than any couple in the show.

Wala akong masasabi sayo. Umalis ka nga.


THIS. I loved them in the special too.
