An indie jewel.

Lets be clear, this is not a movie for everybody.

There are 2 kind of guys, the ones that like the horror movies to get scared and the guys who like horror movies coz they like good ghost stories. If you are on the first example then this its not a movie for you coz its kinda hard get scared with this kind of things. But if you are the kind of guys who likes good ghost stories then this is your movie.

Its true that the movie have its flaws and how could not?, lets remember that this its actually an indie movie and the first long film of the director, also it was financed by kickstarted funds, so i guess that with that information you cant ask for hollywood quality or a direction like Kubrick.

Just with a low budget and a lot of heart they do such an amazing film, an absolutly cult classic and a breath of fresh air on a genre... but (again) its not for everybody.


This is not a movie for anybody.
