MovieChat Forums > Stories We Tell (2013) Discussion > Very engaging documentary

Very engaging documentary

Most documentaries that I have come across are rather dry and inert and don't make for very entertaining material. This one proves to be the exception, even though its narrative becomes somewhat flawed toward the end. Sarah Polley is definitely a great filmmaker and in this one, she brings a personal and detailed focus to the varied perspectives. Its a challenge to tell a story like this one, but she does it with style. This is the first time I have seen an autobiographical documentary and this one definitely sets a high benchmark.


I kind of had the opposite experience; although I frequently partake in and thoroughly enjoy documentaries of all types, this one had me fidgeting in my seat within the first half hour. I think the "story" (as it was frequently referred to) wasn't captivating, and left me wondering what the thing was about it that made it worth telling.

If it wasn't for the glowing reviews it's received, I would have never guessed it was anything but forgettable for everyone else who had also seen it. Many others seem to have gotten something from this that was completely lost on me.
