MovieChat Forums > Stories We Tell (2013) Discussion > WTF are people talking about a twist?

WTF are people talking about a twist?

Since when was the family a bunch of actors? The film never clearly revealed that. The only twist I got was when it was revealed that her "father" wasn't really her father all along. I don't even remember that doc all that well. Meh...


Since when is starting a post with "WTF" considered good form?

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Thanks for answering my question.


Thanks for acknowledging that you understand the benefit of polite dialog.

Your question has an easy answer, but I don't answer questions that begin with "WTF".

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


What am I supposed to say? Actually spell out "what the *beep* I think "WTF" gets my genuine feeling across.


I know exactly what "WTF" means. It is your choice to express yourself that way. Now you need to wait for someone who enjoys that type of expression to come to your aid.

My choice is to NOT acknowledge that type of expression with an answer. We both make choices, we both have that right don't we?

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.



Uh, I guess she did a poor job of conveying and executing that aspect of the documentary because I never realized this "twist." Very odd...


Uh, I guess she did a poor job of conveying and executing that aspect of the documentary because I never realized this "twist."

Yes, it's her fault. The give away should have been that there is footage of her mom partying in Montreal with Harry and yet adult Sarah is there filming it. She wasn't going to bludgeon the viewer with the twist, but it's more than evident that it is there.

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


Not all of it is reenactment. There's quite a bit of her real mother in there.



It's considered a "twist" because apparently most people thought (seemingly including yourself) that they were actual videos of her family.

really? that's so weird, because to me it was obvious from the get-go that these were reenactments. the scenes seemed to fit the words too perfectly, and they were clearly "acted". later on there's footage of the real mom (in the swimming pool) and she didn't even look like the actress playing diane. i'm surprised that a lot of people didn't catch that.


Oh really? I knew she reenacted her meeting with her bio dad, but I didn't think the home movies were fake.

My top 250:


I was about one third or one half of the way through before I realized that the "home movie" scenes (or at least some of them) were reenactments. I am not so sure that it is important that the reveal comes off as a "twist;" e.g. I don't think that the movie was "ruined" because I figured out they were reenactments. I also suspect that the further you got into the movie, the more and more obvious it became that this footage could not have been authentic. (No way there could have been that much access to her mother and all of the supporting characters.)
