What the fudge? Was this somehow ineligible in the eyes of the academy? This was a BRILLIANT documentary that has been honored at most every film award as well as a wealth of critic's ten best of the year lists. What were those old, crust fools of the academy thinking?


Funny I was wondering about that myself. What the heck happened?


not snubbed, infact very good decision

borefests like these should not be promoted

since 2-3 years, people are thinking if they make a movie about them having diarrhoea, or them passing kidney stones for 2 hours, then audience will laud their work

documentaries have become a joke since 2-3 years, these *beep* are mocking this genre after terrific gems like Senna, The Cove, etc laid down a foundation and respect


Don't worry about it. The good ones are often snubbed by the 'Academy.'


So many films got snub by the Academy in this category. Their picks are indeed odd for documentary this year.


This is just like when Lisa Simpson took her documentary about her family to Sundance to rave reviews only to get beaten out by Nelson Muntz's 'Life Blows Chunks' in the end.


The Simpsons did it first!


Why do you care about stupid "trophies" that the industry wishes to give to itself?

People like you get all worked up about crap like this or some sports team, yet you can not even name all of your kids teachers or know every class your kid is taking or even all of your kids friends names.


I don't think it qualified in the category because it has so many reenacted scenes, which makes it technically not a documentary.


I don't understand that last comment. The fake footage is simply re-enactment based on the content of the interviews. Viewed in isolation, that approach is pretty mainstream and not at all un-documentary. What was seductive or irritating (depending on viewpoint) - but certainly stimulating - was the almost seamless transitioning to and from the real family footage.


For the same reason why Thin Blue Line was snubbed back in the 80s. They don't consider it a proper documentary (there are actors and reconstitutions). Conclusion: the oscars are allergic to progress.

The room's a wreck, but her napkin is folded.


Pretentious, boring, and not innovating. For those reasons I personally think it doesn't deserve an Oscar.
