MovieChat Forums > Bitten (2014) Discussion > Bad CGI, bad acting

Bad CGI, bad acting

Watched episode 1 on Netflix. Wasn't impressed. Does it get any better or do people just get titillated by the nudity and pretty people?


Later episodes have less and less nudity.

Less and less werewolves.

Lots and LOTS of boring dialog about pack rules and politics.



The acting is awful lol.


.....and a boring, whiny, plot.


Ich watched ten minutes and had to go to imdb.

- bad wolf cgi
- too much nudity + too pretty people
- and the dialog in the cafe

I'm out. Not the fault of the show but generally I don't watch nude fantasy with beautiful people talking a lot. Will try the next netflix show.


The wolf CGI in ep 1 was laughably bad; I agree. It either got a lot better or I stopped caring, not sure which. But it really took me out of the first couple of wolf appearances in the series.

Nudity was overboard, IMHO unnecessarily so.

Overall, though, the story got a lot better. There is a "twist" at the end of the first season that feels absurdly abrupt and just convenient for the plot (like, "Ugh, can't think of what else for this character to do, so ...") and the powers of the new characters in the second season fluctuate way too wildly from near-omnipotent to barely powerful at all, and somehow those powers which were really important in the second season are not used in the third season even though they are available ...

But, overall, I'd recommend it. Not a great TV show, but better than the average series.
