MovieChat Forums > The Disappointments Room (2016) Discussion > Is this a remake of "The Skeleton Key"?

Is this a remake of "The Skeleton Key"?

Given i'm only basing this on the trailer so maybe there's much more meat underneath, but tell me this doesn't look exactly like the Kate Hudson movie "The Skeleton Key"??

"Sometimes Kindness is Wiser than Truth" - Lt. Columbo


The skeleton key is one of my faves!!! The commercial I saw for this said based on true events??! Haven't found anything about it being true


I thought the exact same thing. Considering the writer's first screenplay was pretty much a remake of Alfred Hitchcock's Shadow of a Doubt, I wouldn't be surprised if this was a rip-off of The Skeleton Key.


Not to mention the director remade Rear Window as Disturbia.


No, this is more along the lines of the George C Scott movie "The Changling"

it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again


Judging by the trailer I completely agree. It was the first film I thought of after viewing the first half of the trailer. Good call. Can't wait to see it.


Don't be too excited, it's a disappointment.

it rubs the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again


The Skeleton Key always makes me hungry for Cajun fried chicken and I am not sure if that is racist or not

I'm the guy who makes the "worst movie ever" thread in your favorite movie board


Having now seen both, The Skeleton Key is much, much better than the Disappointments Room. Other than the keys/secret room, they don't even seem remotely similar. I thought The Skeleton Key was very unique.


It seems similar, but the only thing that it has in common, is the mystery room. I haven't seen this movie yet, but I enjoyed "The Skeleton Key".


Yeah, The Skeleton Key was pretty awesome! This film, on the other hand...was a disappointment.

"Ain't life grand!"


Nope. Unlike this one...The Skeleton Key was awesome!

"Ain't life grand!"
