MovieChat Forums > Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013) Discussion > Season 5 - Orientation: Parts 1 & 2 - MA...

Season 5 - Orientation: Parts 1 & 2 - MAJOR SPOILERS!

So what did you think of the Season 5 opening eps?

I was super excited that the Agents have finally ventured into space but I must confess I was not loving the confines of their new environment.

I love science fiction but I’m not a huge fan of ‘dystopian’ doom & gloom or ‘the end of world/humanity as we know it’ types of scenarios. It just becomes such a grind to watch and it’s all so disengenuous because you know they are going to end up saving the world anyway.

I hope they at least contrast the team that are now in space/future with Fitz being back on Earth/past so that there is some more light and breathing room for us to view and hope for. I would hate for the entire season to be set in the dark, claustrophobic and hostile conditions that they are in right now.

I do love this Seasons ‘Agents’ logo though and I loved everything about The Framework last year so I fingers crossed we are in for a great season ahead!

Oh - and did anyone else think that Deke looks like a younger version of Bradly Cooper?
I know it’s a bit nasty but before I learnt his characters name I just kept calling him ‘Budget Bradley Cooper’ in my head. If you ever watched ‘Alias’ and saw Bradley Cooper play ‘Will Tippin’ I think you might agree that the two men are almost identical!


I have watched a half hour of this two parter and don't think I can watch any more. I'm tired of these story arcs. I want regular episodes. Everything is so dark I can hardly tell what's going on. I just want to watch a show and not have to figure out what's going on.


I can definitely appreciate the criticism of these "out of the frying pan and into the fire" storylines with never a chance to breath in between. Never a return to status quo between missions and disasters. I miss the old show too. Some of the best bits in comics is the gang back at head quarters or in the jet touching base and reconnecting with their lives. This show was no different.


I'm absolutely loving the new season. I've seen this scifi concept a few times now, and they're doing a brilliant job with it. The dialog is top shelf. The effects are outstanding. It's not like the whole season is gonna be this storyline. We'll be back to Earth in no time.


The dialogue was definitely exceptional TandyMan, although I’m going to agree with LaurieGonzalez and say that the lighting was a bit too dark for me to enjoy.
I actually thought it made the sets look a bit budget (and even repurposed) and I’ve always considered AOS a show with high production values before this.
I like your optimism that we’ll be back on Earth soon though!
I do love this show so I’ll be watching regardless.
