This is really a silly show

I'm a MARVEL junkie and a big comic book movie fan (Marvel and DC), however this show is silly and should have been cancelled a long time ago. Disney's insistence on keeping the show from being cancelled by ABC is baffling.
I've seen many of the MCU television shows (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, The Defenders, etc.) and AOS is simply not a good show. Outside of Coulson, is there anybody on that show that isn't a major tool? All the characters are like a cast lineup of Beverly Hills 90120, who didn't make the final cut and I can't stand Skye (or Daisy Johnson or whatever her character name is now).
Why Disney wants to keep a show going that has plummeting viewership is beyond me. Truly, I really don't like any of the characters and even Coulson gets on my nerves now.
Just my take but let the flaming begin!!!


I'm also a huuuuge fan of Marvel, specifically Silver and Bronze Age comics. I enjoy most, though not all, of the MCU as well. And you're quite right in your assessment of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s really quite an awful show. I equate it to the "Marvel Adventures" line of comics, or the old "Spidey Super Stories"; written and presented for youngsters and/or families looking for a Marvel show. Definitely not what the vast majority are seeking from their Marvel entertainment.


Thank you, it's nice to know others out there agree. AOS is just collectively and subjectively "after-school special" garbage. The characters suck and please, for the sake of saving him for a future Netflix show and not have him tainted, get Ghost Rider out of there!


I think I'm going to start a DEATH TO A.O.S. page on FB. Want to join? I hate that the show is even included in the new "Marvel Timeline" that came out recently.
