MovieChat Forums > Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013) Discussion > Daisy is quite a bit like Tony

Daisy is quite a bit like Tony

Rewatching bits of Season 2, it's just now striking me how much Daisy's guilt complex has been built into her character since way early on, and I can't help but find it neat to parallel her with Tony. Both are constantly trying to make up for their mistakes (even when they aren't really their fault) and the attempt tends to cause even more problems.

The fact that Daisy's reached the point of having a literal death wish has me wondering if, after Civil War, Stark is going to be in a similar place by the next time we see him.

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But she has a better ass than Tony!

"Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday"--Anthony Hopkins


Dunno man, Tony ain't exactly flag in the back

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Stark is a Skrull.


That'd be stupid.

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Not as stupid as him being adopted...


"I Drank What?!" - Socrates


Ummm no... definitely not. He take his accords and shove it up his ass. We are nothing alike and never will be. I'm deeply offended by your remarks.


I don't think she's anything like Tony! Daisy is an idealist and a revolutionary. Tony is establishment. He would never have been a part of Rising Tide and Daisy would never have built weapons for the government. He was born with a silver spoon and she's an orphan. She would never sign the Sokovia Accords and he's the main proponent of them.

They are literally polar opposites. Just because they both have guilt complexes doesn't make them the same. If anything, she's more similar to Bucky.


I never said they were "the same", but their guilt is such a huge part of both characters I think it at least makes them similar.

Plus, Tony's and orphan too. And both of them conflict with their fathers often and owe a lot of their more recent trauma to their parents acting or being used against them, so there's also that.

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Doesn't really change anything I said, but you're correct.

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Daisy was abandoned by her parents, grew up without them, and didn't find them until Season 2.

Uhhhh no?! I was taken from them by S.H.I.E.L.D. they did not abandon me.



That's why daddy came back and tore the village apart in a fit of rage... right? He takes his eyes of his baby for a minute and then she's abducted 😭


I still think they have different kinds of guilt. Tony's mistakes were largely caused by hubris. Daisy's mistakes were caused by weakness. I just honestly don't think they could be more different as characters.


Meh. I'm obsessed with character parallels. When I find one I latch onto it.

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I feel you. I love character parallels too. You're better looking toward Bucky though, because Daisy and Bucky were both controlled by evil people to do their bidding and hurt people they cared about. They were also both robbed of years with their families (I consider Steve Bucky's family) because of these people. They both feel very alone and guilty. And they're both currently on the run from the government and the heroes who are after them who signed the Sokovia Accords.


I always thought Simmons was more like Tony tbh. I know she's compared to Cap a lot but, with the exception of jumping on the grenade in s1 to save Fitz and Daisy, i've never understood that comparison. She's intelligent, pragmatic, loyal to her friends and has a guilt complex. She also had that issue with the inhumans in s2 and i've always got the impression she'd be team Iron Man in regards to Civil War.
I think Daisy is the Cap of AoS.


I'd draw comparisons between Cap and Coulson, May, Mack or even Fitz before I did Daisy. The two have some in common, but Daisy is totally lacking in Steve's perspective and self-confidence. Unlike Steve she's always viewing herself as the problem, to the point of instability.

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I agree with Jemma as Tony. They're both very pragmatic, and I could see Jemma making a very unpopular decision that she feels is worth it for the greater good. She's be willing to take the popularity hit - like Tony - for what she felt was the right move. She's doing it right now, being the right hand to the director! She did it when she chose to register inhumans (Sokovia Accords, anyone?), even though Fitz and Daisy were against it.

I think Fitz = Cap 100%. I dare anybody to look at pre-serum Steve and Fitz and tell me they're not exactly the same type of man. Fitz literally threw himself into a black hole for Simmons, and I believe he would have done so for anybody else on that team. He's a dyed in the wool pure soul. And he def would walk away (as he did when SHIELD broke up) at his own expense if he didn't believe in what an organization was doing. He is a balls out Gryffindors. Call him Captain Scotland.

Coulson is a hard one. He's very Slytherin, so I just don't see him as Cap material. He's a good guy, but I see him as being way more like Fury than Cap. And really, guys like Cap needs guys like Fury and Coulson to do the ugly things they would never be able to bring themselves to do.

And like I said in a post above, Daisy = Bucky Barnes. Look, I believe Bucky is a hero, and if you read the comics, you know he becomes Captain America one day. He's a good guy...a sad, damaged good guy with a guilt complex. So's she. One reason I don't think Daisy is like Tony, is that Tony gets mad at other people when things go wrong, Daisy (and Bucky) gets mad at herself. She always wants to do the right thing, and will go after that with the intensity of somebody with a death wish (much like Bucky).


....I think you about summed it up.

Now I can't stop imagining super soldier Fitz.

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I think a big part of Coulson's arc is that the job of SHIELD director itself changes you into what Fury is.


Though to be fair, I think it's important that Coulson has a close knit group that he's more or less equal with so that he doesn't end up too much like Fury and by extension letting something like HYDRA grow under his nose again.

Fury's SHIELD took compartmentalization to the extreme, while Coulson's SHIELD is built more on mutual trust.

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I disagree... Daisy is selfless while Tony is selfish.

I found most of his actions in Civil War to be for personal reasons rather than for "the greater good". He seemed to be doing it because he wanted to get his girlfriend back and make the world forget about the fact that he made Ultron.

It was clear he didn't even think about the repercussions of the Sikovia Accords - especially when he went to visit everyone in their new prison cells. He especially didn't think about what they were going to do to Wanda.

end of my mini rant


Tony does it because he wants his girlfriend back, and he wants to keep his team / family together without the governments and public of the world tearing at them, and because he wants to alleviate the soul crushing guilt (it should also be noted that there's absolutely no indication that anyone who Ultron didn't directly interact with even knows/assumes he was made by Tony, let alone that that's factoring into Tony's decision)

You could argue Daisy is selfish by that same token; she doesn't really think about what "the greater good" is in a long term sense. She's constantly prioritizing that under what she feels is the right decision for the problem right in front of her nose that she believes she's caused. She does something headstrong / something happens to her, there are unforeseen consequences, she sees herself as the one at fault, and in response she does something headstrong again (against the better judgement of those around her) as penance.

That's Tony to a T. "It's my fault, I can fix it, it's my fault, I can fix it."

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Tony never acknowledges that most of the issues are his fault. The closest he gets is "we"


Except for Iron Man, and Iron Man 2, and Iron Man 3, and Age of Ultron. Outside of those you're right though.

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