Get Irish DVD Region 1 Release? And Please....

I see online that the next J&SBGO DVD will be set in Ireland and be called Jay & Silent Bob Get Irish, however, it has only been released on Region 4 DVD's, not sure why, but I would love to get it in my collection. I do hope that we see more animation segments, cause aside being able to actually see the "Let Us *beep*" segment that was the only benefit from seeing the live show as opposed to listening to the podcast(I have listened to all of them so far, but with so many its easy to forget what is said).
Also, each episode of the podcast has been recorded live, so I don't see why we haven't gotten a Seasonal DVD release. As long as the animation grows and continues to grow and be more frequent and we can actually see the game being played out, I'd buy it. You can call it Jay & Silent Bob Get Old: Episodes 1-5 or the Jon Lovitz Collection or something like that.
