The ending

So just finished watching this film.

Overall a well meaning film, fine to watch once.

My only real trouble with the film is the ending after the scene with the husband in the office.

So throughout the film you see De Niro staying in the office late because Hathaway is working late, and that he is a conscientious worker. But then right at the end he decides to leave the office half way through the day to go Tai-Chi. Which is really jarring and out of kilter with what you are shown in the previous 2 hours.

I get the need for that very last scene, I don't agree with how we get to that scene.

I know its an odd thing to talk about, but just wondering if anyone else thought that last segment was a mis-step


I figured Ben feels his purpose has been fulfilled - Jules doesn't need him (for that day anyway)


I thought it showed how Ben learned to embrace modern culture, just as much as some of his old-school style had influenced those in the company around him.
