MovieChat Forums > Twisted (2013) Discussion > Lacey Porter and why this NEEDS to be un...

Lacey Porter and why this NEEDS to be understood.

Warning: this is long. Sorry but I had to rant.

When Twisted was advertised, we get promises of a mystery/thriller/kind of suspense/drama (drama intentionally being the last one). We also see THREE characters advertised as the lead, they are the ones we saw when ABC Family does their little promo pictures/clips in the little orange studio and all of that. We see clips of Lacey/Danny/Jo and that automatically gives the impression that these characters are the lead. The same way they advertise the leads for: Pretty Little Liars (all 4 girls), Switched at Birth (Daphne and Bay, the leads), Baby Daddy (the lead), Melissa and Joey (the lead)! See where I'm going with this? So of course, my excitement not only came with seeing Avan Jogia as the lead in a new seemingly interesting show but to see a black lead. Not knocking Maddie Hasson, she is good at what she does, I'm going to give credit where it is due, but to see a multi-racial LEAD cast, especially on Abc Family? That's awesome.

I'm going to address the problem that people seem to think that those of us who may no longer be watching the show, or those of us who are speaking out about this are only upset because Danny and Lacey broke up. I'm here to break it down. That is NOT the reason, nor is the SOLE reason. I am going to break down, WHY I have a problem with Twisted and the treatment of Lacey Porter.

I don't agree that Lacey was a bitch in the beginning, because think about it, she wasn't. She created this life for herself to escape what she was emotionally scarred by as a kid. We all do that, we create a persona and life for ourselves that combats what we had to go through. I understand that everyone doesn't think that way, but it wasn't as if she waws outright rude to Jo whenever she saw her. They may not have been friends, but they traveled in two different circles... Jo CHOSE to be where she was just as Lacey CHOSE to be where she was. Lacey was not under obligation to always speak to Jo when she saw her in the hallway, just as Jo was not under obligation to do the same. I really had no problem with Jo. But I did think for her to be as "independently minded" as she is and as "stubborn" as she is that she would have held out a bit longer before submitting to Danny's puppy dog brown eyes. Lacey was not going to fall for it. Not that easily. That is a realistic reaction to someone who returns 5 years later after supposedly committing a crime that affected everyone who was involved in his life. Not that Jo shouldn't have jumped on his side but she could have easily tried to ignore him a bit longer. But Lacey needed a bit more convincing... and that makes her a bitch? Disloyal? Yes, I will admit that I was a bit disappointed to see that she allowed her friends to dictate her choices, but she is a teenager and this is reality. But Jo is the loyal friend, a true friend because she decided to give Danny a chance from jump... and then she SHOULD be with him is tacked on to that? Seriously?

We have three main leads, that means three sets of families. Now, I'm not expecting everyone's family to be in every single episode. If anything, the only parents I would expect to see EVERY EPISODE would be: Karen Desai and Chief Masterson. Even Tess didn't need to be seen every episode. However, the fact that we only saw Judy Porter twice, Samuel Porter once, and Clara Porter... never is a problem. Why can't the Porter family actually be involved? I mean is Lacey a 16 year old independent? But we always see Tess comforting Jo, we see Tess giving Jo advice, Tess is involved in everything in their small little town, we see Tess actually being a MOM to Jo. Where is that for Lacey? Nothing negative was said about her mom outside of the fighting between her parents. But that does not mean Judy is a terrible mother. Even the episode where Clara Porter had a birthday, SHE WAS NEVER SHOWN! How hard is it to cast a little girl?? Everything that happened that episode dealing with the Porter family had no repercussions. We NEVER SAW ANYTHING ELSE! Why is that? Tell me why. Then on top of that, at invisible Clara's birthday party, Jo comes (it was nice to see them trying to rebuild their friendship), and she finds out that Lacey's dad is gay. Okay... and then she tells Lacey. It HAD to be Jo to find that out. Why did it have to be Jo? Why couldn't it be Lacey? Or the man's own wife? I'm confused. WHY THE HELL WAS JO EVEN INVOLVED IN THAT MOMENT? I have no problem with her being at the party, but she tells Lacey, she is in the same room when the man is being confronted... isn't that a private moment? Why can't the Porters have that moment? Why wasn't that ever mentioned again? Why haven't we seen them again? WHY HAVEN'T WE SEEN CLARA PORTER??

Danny is the lead lead, the mystery is his. We have, excuse me HAD, two of them going on. Regina Crane's mysterious death and Tara's death. That's cool. I mean, Danny is an enigma and I'm good with not knowing everything about him, that is what made me stick around because we had no idea what was real with him. It was clear to me, that there was going to be a romance between two of the leads, that always happens, but imagine my surprise when I saw it was going to between the two people of color in the group. I mean it was the first episode, Danny looked at Lacey and it was there. He had eyes for her. They had eye sex. Jo at that point, had no chance in romance with him which was OKAY! He clearly wanted her as his friend and there is nothing wrong with that either. Anyway, after Danny and Lacey got together (even though it was in secret, Lacey was more open to Danny but still wasn't sure considering her holding on to her "friends") is where the writing started to focus more on Jo. This kind of sad isn't it? Instead of letting Dacey exist, the writing starts to make Jo really contemplate her feelings for Danny, starts to make Danny consider how Jo was going to feel about him and Lacey dating, or that Rico likes Jo but knows she likes Danny and when he finds out wants to make sure her feelings aren't hurt. What?

Then a sex tape happens. Lacey doesn't care when she finds out, she's come to terms thinking her friends wouldn't judge her for dating a guy who is a suspect in two murders and is willing to accept the consequences. That's actually quite mature for a 16 year old junior in high school. But suddenly she finds out that Jo is in love with him and suddenly she wants to find the tape and have it destroyed? Why wouldn't she worry about her business being circulated? About her invisible parents finding out? Why is she worrying about Jo seeing it and her being sad about it? How does that even make sense? Then on top of THAT, after Jo's painful confession at Danny's trial, she tells Lacey "I care about you so much! I just wanted to tell you, I'm in love with Danny and I would never keep that a secret from you. I would have told you if we ever got together" or something along those lines. Again... what? So, we as viewers, are made to see Lacey as this secretive bitch (more than what she apparently already is) due to Jo's sudden revelation. I'm sorry... I call foul and *beep* That was not right.

Now we're in part II of season 1 and both girls are ignoring Danny, which is okay and understandable but Lacey suddenly has NO one around her. No family, no supposed friends and I guess no Danny until they got back together and Jo was apparently okay with it. Lacey is worried about him, she is trying to help him, keep him safe while he is out on the run, and we meet Charlie. He's brushing up on her, and again I call foul, it looked like she was showing interest. But...why? She doesn't even know him? Plus he's creepy. I got upset with Danny here too but right now it seems that Lacey's primary job was to be in a relationship with someone. That definitely was not how it was in the beginning, and not to mention, her presence window is becoming smaller and smaller. But she's there for Danny, while Jo is off being upset with him. But no one seems to think that Jo is a bitch of brushing him, but Lacey was in the beginning for doing that. Then Vikram is back (which all of that happened way to fast... ruined that mystery) and Danny goes to meet him, Jo is there, stuff happens and Jo is directly involved. Why is she ALWAYS INVOLVED? That was a father/son moment and it could have been a great one that led to more moments. But no, Jo had to become a damsel in distress and Danny had to go save her, causing Vikram's sudden death and now Jo and Danny have a secret (mirroring Danny and Lacey's earlier secret).

So Lacey is being lied to, she doesn't know what's going on, she is not involved, what's the point of her even being there if this is going to happen? It's ridiculous. Especially when the show was advertised as a THREE lead show. But where is the 3rd person? Her window is slowing getting lower and lower each episode. Then Danny gets into his money, they go on their date, he finally tells her the full truth and she brings up how it's almost him and Jo and then we see that damn #JoIsTheOne. The kicker out of ALL of the damn #PoorJo we get throughout the show. At this point, I'm just wondering... what exactly is going on? Then Danny goes to Jo like he's going to tell her that he agrees with what Lacey said. Since when?? Jo and Danny have NO romantic chemistry. When she had that dream, that was just so awkward that if they get together (which from where I'm sitting, is the new direction) it's forced. It's not going to work except in the eyes of those who like the attention Jo is getting.

Discounting the episode from last night, the one from last Tuesday now featured Whitney showing her interest in Lacey and kissing her (now it looks like Lacey is interested and people are saying it's hereditary?? WHAT??), it shows Jo and Charlie on a date and Jo is all over him, even though she knows nothing about him. She is willing to believe him over Danny, especially after hearing the juvie story and doesn't even give Danny the chance to explain. Yeah, for someone who was so "loyal" to Danny in the beginning, she surely isn't loyal now. She was doing exactly what everyone was calling Lacey a bitch for, to Danny. But because it's Jo, it's okay. She's even 'cute' with Charlie. I'm sorry... no. What happened to Tyler? Everything seems to focus on Jo, so what happened with him? While Lacey was at school facing what happened after the sex tape debacle, Jo was at home crying. Jo went and slept with Tyler (who could have been a good thing for her) and we had to watch Tess comfort her about it but who comforted Lacey about her sex tape? I don't even remember Danny comforting her, he was also too worried about Jo's feelings. Instead, they went Jo's house to apologize to Jo. What? You see the pattern here? Yeah I eventually jumped all over the place but it is not just a Dacey thing. It's a Lacey thing. It wouldn't have become a Lacey vs Jo thing if the writers didn't do it.

The point of a show, especially if it wants to last is to make sure fans enjoy the show. Just like an article I read said: By killing Vikram so early and revealing Tara's death knocked out the fans who were interested for mystery, by knocking Lacey's involvement down to very minimal knocked out the Lacey/Dacey fans... so all that's left are the Jo/Janny fans. Now, if you say you don't care either way, then what are you watching? The show is purely drama now. Everything that made it appealing is gone. To say "if you are watching a show for one character then you need to just stop watching" or something to that effect, why do you think people stick around for shows especially when the plot is crap. The CHARACTERS! You have a favorite character, you are going to watch no matter what! Until they start to CRAP ALL OVER THAT CHARACTER! I'm not going to sit back and watch a show, that does this to a character. You would think Twisted would get better but even the plot is getting convoluted and not in a good way.

I know this was long, but hopefully this helped those of you who think it's all about Dacey or who think we're overreacting understand. When you are happy with the outcome of the show, you're not going to worry about it. We're not. So we speak.


As your name suggests, you pretty much gave the "true essence" of what many viewers are seeing and feeling. Well said.


Thank you. I'm glad you understand and agree.


I actually read the entire post! Haha

I've recently stopped watching the show because I became too fed up with all of the issues you explained. And other reasons too (having Vikram appear only to be killed off again basically ruined everything). Totally agree with everything you stated, especially this --

"We all do that, we create a persona and life for ourselves that combats what we had to go through."

All of the viewers who do not like the character of Lacey normally say its because she was a bitch by dumping Jo and making new friends. Is that really a bitch move? Everyone does that. We've all done that through the phase of middle school into high school - leave some friends behind and make new ones. Also, like you stated, it was a coping strategy. Jo's way of coping was creating an introverted, sheltered persona, which is different from what Lacey did but it worked for her. Honestly, I feel like all three characters are being poorly written.



I tend to think there is another reason for why they don't like Lacey but they're just not saying it. They're covering up by hanging onto the initial one thing that Lacey did and hiding behind that. I think some don't like the multiracialness and that's the real reason they don't like Lacey. They must have their Jo be the center of attention.

Initially, I didn't like Lacey because I thought she was wrong too at first and I'm always for the outcasts especially when they're being treated harshly. When Lacey explained herself to Jo, then I could understand her better and I did get excited when I started seeing her and Danny together.


I tend to think there is another reason for why they don't like Lacey but they're just not saying it. They're covering up by hanging onto the initial one thing that Lacey did and hiding behind that. I think some don't like the multiracialness and that's the real reason they don't like Lacey. They must have their Jo be the center of attention.

Assuming people don't like Lacey because they're racist and don't like the multiracial aspect of the show is ridiculous (especially considering, as has been pointed out, this was advertised as a three lead show with only one of them being white--if someone didn't like the multiracial part, they wouldn't have watched the show in the first place).

In the beginning, I didn't like Lacey (for multiple reasons) but then she changed and I started to like her way more. Then Dacey happened.

I didn't like Dacey much. And no, it's nothing to do with Lacey being black (honestly, purely going on looks, they did make a ridiculously attractive couple).

I just didn't like that when they became a couple that became her whole storyline and it bored me, and I don't think her and Danny had much on screen chemistry (I know some people disagree, but that's subjective). Lacey's few scenes with Rico and Whitney had way more spark than all of her scenes with Danny combined (but I think the actress is dating the dude who plays Rico so that might play a part in that).

Because I found Dacey ridiculously dull, it made her seem dull since that was all she really had going on (while Danny had his own storylines).

If it gets a second season, I want her to have more screen time (and I kind of really want her an Rico to happen and for her and Jo to stop letting Danny come between them...I think that's why shows like PLL do so well, because while there's romance, they make sure to show the friendship aspect too).

tl;dr version: The reason most people don't like Lacey isn't because she's black, it's because the character is being poorly written. She went from being her own character with her own life and potential, to being Danny's girlfriend and now she's just being Danny's ex-girlfriend and that's all.

To the OP: I agree with you about how misleading the advertising was and how the writers aren't doing Lacey's character justice (have you seen the UK shows Misfits or Skins? Some of my favourite black female characters have been on those shows and they get plenty of screen time ).

It's frustrating when writers are wasting a character with potential. I have a similar issue with The Tomorrow People right now (Astrid--unsurprisingly, another black character--totally steals the show in her scenes but she hardly gets any screen time and as far as romance goes, she is in love with the lead dude and has major chemistry with the other male lead and yet they're both obsessed with the mind numbingly dull, annoying, pretty white girl character).


I'm pretty sure racist people watch this show as much as they did Star Trek (The Original Series), and the two are not that much different in terms of having a multiracial cast. Jo is the central character more or less and viewers are sold on Danny being her love interest. Most people do not like Lacey simply b/c she gets in the way of their "fap fantasy." Jo is like any other "insert white girl fantasy here" character. Whether it's Elena on The Vampire Diaries, Sookie Stackhouse on True Blood or Bella in Twilight, these kinds of characters all kind of meld with each other.

As far as I'm concerned there wasn't anything majorly wrong with Lacey's character to begin with. People just call her a bitch b/c she's in the way.

I do agree with you that Dacey meant that Lacey could not be anything other than Danny's girlfriend. But I also think that this was an excuse to not give her any storylines of her own. Most storylines automatically went to Jo. Even Lacey's father coming out as gay turned into a Jo storyline.

And it goes without saying that most characters on this show are poorly written. The writing pretty much killed Danny's character in my eyes.


I'm pretty sure racist people watch this show

I don't doubt there will be some racists watching, I just don't think Lacey being black is the reason for the majority of people disliking her. Although, you're right about the shipping thing, there's definitely plenty of people that don't like her because of that, but I've seen plenty of the reverse of too with Dacey shippers who hate Jo purely because it got in the way of their ship (happens with most shows that have romance, especially love triangles).
As far as I'm concerned there wasn't anything majorly wrong with Lacey's character to begin with. People just call her a bitch b/c she's in the way.

I think she definitely did some bitchy things--well, actually, I wouldn't even class it as bitchy but in the beginning of the show she did seem to put too much importance on appearances and valued shallow friendships more than the ones that actually meant something...but I don't think that was something wrong with her, because she didn't stay that way and grew as a character.

Not every character has to be likeable from the very start of a show. Some of my favourites (Alisha from Misfits, Blair on Gossip Girl, Brooke on One Tree Hill, Summer or Taylor on The OC, Caroline on TVD, etc.) all started out as shallow/unlikeable characters and became fan favourites.

So, I still maintain that one of the biggest reasons a lot of people don't like Lacey is because of how poorly written the character has been (which may or may not be racist on the writers part, who knows, but it is frustrating how often it seems to be the black female characters that this happens to).

It's because she wasn't written as the most sympathetic character to begin with, then just as she starts getting some character development and becomes more likeable and we find she has more depth to her, we got Dacey happening...which wouldn't have been as bad if she still had her own stuff going on, but it became all she had going on.

So's down to poor writing. Even the shipping thing probably wouldn't have been as bad if her character had been written better and she was given a proper chance to win more people over.
And it goes without saying that most characters on this show are poorly written. The writing pretty much killed Danny's character in my eyes.

Yeah, but I think Lacey's has been the worst (although that was more a lack of writing). It's like two different people wrote the first and second half of the season (edit: apparently it was...that explains a lot).


Couldn't have said it better myself. Agreed wholeheartedly.


Assuming people don't like Lacey because they're racist and don't like the multiracial aspect of the show is ridiculous (especially considering, as has been pointed out, this was advertised as a three lead show with only one of them being white--if someone didn't like the multiracial part, they wouldn't have watched the show in the first place).

I don't know if you are white, black, etc, but it's irrelevant depending on your upbringing and experience, but racism exists on a spectrum. For example in a popular book series that was turned into a movie series, a character died in the book which many fans were sad about her death and were preparing themselves for the scene in the movie. That all changed when it turned out that she was black and not white. Suddenly, it wasn't so sad or it wasn't sad at all. That's called subtle racism. Why is that character LESS (OR NOT) sympathetic because she was black?

It's one thing for a black girl to be seen as a (best) friend and another for her to be considered a love interest. She was not just someone to crack jokes, but desired after and that, even on a subconscious level, rubbed people the wrong way. Racism isn't always in your face or even a conscious action--it happens in many ways.

"And even with Will dead, the love triangle is not over."


Okay, I see your point (and I'm guessing you were talking about Rue from The Hunger Games? The reaction of some people to her being black made me--and most fans--furious, I was baffled that some people tried to insist the character was white when she's quite clearly described as being black. Some tried to justify it by saying she reminded Katniss of Prim, as if her being black would make that impossible... ).

But I still maintain that people shouldn't assume that the only reason people would not like Lacey is because they're racist (some probably are, but I don't think that's the reason of most people). I think the main reasons are the shipping thing (I've seen both Danny/Jo fans and Danny/Lacey fans be guilty of this--hating the other character purely because it got in the way of the "OTP" and it happens on other shows too), and also Lacey's character has been pretty poorly written.

Her character being poorly written? I do think that could be subtle racism on the writers side of things (like the treatment of characters like Bonnie in The Vampire Diairies or Astrid in The Tomorrow People).

Personally, I wish she hadn't been pushed as a love interest for Danny. I wanted to see their friendship (the three of them) but it got trashed when they tried to turn it into a love triangle. And I didn't think she had much on screen chemistry with Danny, she had more sparks with Rico (I'd love to see that pairing happen), which made sense when I found out that the actors that play Rico and Lacey are dating IRL.


Yes, but I didn't want to spoil it for some people. lol

Is racism the ONLY reason? No. But, it is a major reason. Minorities are more aware of when things like this happens due to the limited representation we get on TV and how blacks are described and characterized as well. I know about OTP and ship wars, but to ignore what the writers have done with Lacey (not to say that you have) and to ignore the subtly of her character that was presented before that speak volumes imo. From the beginning, I noticed her decreased screen time which has dwindled more and more as the series progresses and I find her more interesting and complex than Jo, despite see in less of her.

She had everything at school and eventually gave that up because it wasn't her, it wasn't right, following her heart, etc. Jo changed because she wanted to be noticed more by a boy who didn't even like her.

Personally, I just think that they did everything too fast and didn't develop the trio enough concerning their friendship.

"And even with Will dead, the love triangle is not over."


I have to mention the shows you mentioned Skins and Misfits which I liked Misfits are in the UK and they do not have the racial hang ups that American shows have with race especially when it comes to romantic storylines. I am neither a Janny or Dacey fan. I am a Danny fan. I am actually tired of the romance although both couples should get their time in the show. Anyway, I understand why fans are frustrated about the issues with Lacey(not enough screen time)or even how Jo is portrayed or even how Danny is constantly going back and forth.

"Let me keep you safe"-Danny
"Holy crap?"-Danny


I have to mention the shows you mentioned Skins and Misfits which I liked Misfits are in the UK and they do not have the racial hang ups that American shows have with race especially when it comes to romantic storylines.

Yup, I know (I did mention they were UK shows). I'm from the UK and you're right, our shows tend to be better when it comes to race, even our soap operas have really racially diverse casts and loads of mixed race couples and families (not just race, gender and sexuality issues too).

I mean, racism does still exist here but it's different and the racial stereotypes are different (there's some that exist in the US that wouldn't even register with me because they're not really a thing here).


I take it you are a white person from the UK. So yeah. I've watched Misfits and while I have enjoyed it the portrayal of the token black girls hasn't been all that good. One thing I've noticed about black women in UK shows is that they are generally very light, like able to pass the paper bag test, or mixed race. You do get some women who are darker like Martha from Dr. Who but that isn't as common. It's more common to see women like Alisha from Misfits, the other girl Curtis briefly dated before she was executed and Sally from Being Human. And Alisha power was very *beep* up. Like she could either rape someone or be raped by someone. And I didn't like how her story ended. Some might consider it romantic but I thought it was a dead end. Essentially she is just someones girlfriend and she receives no other character development.

I have black peers in the UK and so we don't see things the way you do.


I agree with you, Flame-Trees. It's ridiculous to jump to the assumption that people don't like Lacey because they're racist or something. I have absolutely NO problem with interracial relationships and have been in them myself. I think it's just a personal thing. I noticed on the boards a while back that some people thought Jo and Danny had no chemistry. I didn't agree. I wanted Danny and Jo together. I just felt like they belonged together. I liked Lacey, but for me, personally, I just couldn't see her and Danny together, and that had nothing at all to do with her race or his or Jo's. Other people disagree and think Danny and Lacey go together better, and that's fine. They have their opinion. I have mine. It doesn't have to mean anything, and you shouldn't read anything into it.

"Not all who wonder are lost."--J.R.R. Tolkien


I started hating Lacey's character when she found out about the envelope concerning Regina's murder and choose to be selfish enough to let Danny be a murder suspect instead of go to the police. All her other actions with hiding her relationship and being a bitch to Danny to keep her friends and her status is just normal high school girl mentality


No one has ever said that Lacey was perfect. But she is hardly a bitch. Yes, that was a moment when I wished she went to the police, but she still didn't she? Lacey was on Danny's side, either she was or she wasn't. It was never a back and forth thing with her. Danny had to work hard to get her on his side and once she was there, she was THERE. Besides, did or did Lacey not forgo being friends with her "friends" once she realized that Danny was telling the truth in multiple cases? He helped her get back IN with her friends but she realized "okay, I was wrong. This is wrong and I cannot be apart of this anymore" and she ruined her chance to get back in with the popular crowd. So this "normal high school girl mentality" that you say she has... is no longer relevant to her character.

Jo on the other hand, has bounced back and forth so many times that I got whiplash. She's on his side, then she's not, she's mad at him and ignoring him, then she's not, she's yelling at her mom that he's in her room for him to get arrested, then she's with him in the church when he meets Vikram.

So, I fail to see what you were trying to imply here.


Sometimes I think those who really support Jo, call her an amazing, true friend who Danny HAS to be with... I think they see themselves as Jo. Since she's the idiot outcast who jumps from guy to guy, they somehow envision themselves as that character - kind of like a self-insert. The way of Bella Swan. The awkward loner who somehow gets the guy in the end, despite her horrible attitude, her nasty comments and her constant back and forth. They like to see the pretty popular girl get shafted for that so-called everyday girl.


You are completely right. That character troupe is extremely annoying and it offers nothing. Maybe back in the day, when I was in love with Twilight, I would have loved the Jo character but now that I am older, almost 22, a soon to be English graduate and a writer, that kind of stuff is irritating, unappealing and getting OLD.

Lacey is actually a very refreshing character, especially considering how some black lady leads are treated.


Haha I'm like you too! Recently turned 22, finishing my degree in English, creative writing, and, yes, I used to love Twilight when I first started reading it in high school...but then I slowly realized how poorly written it was. I feel like this show has taken a total turn with the new season. It feels completely different from the first part. Not only with the addition of useless new characters, but the original characters themselves have changed into basically different people. I'm not sure where this show is heading with the way it is being written. They had an interesting concept but the execution of it is going terrible. Love triangles? Evil new-kid-now-half-brother? Con artists? Secret babies? Very juvenile soap opera technique that has left me and several others uninterested.


lol cool!

But that's right. I haven't seen the last two episodes, will probably not even bother. When I said I was done, I doubt I'll even go back to watch it online. My younger sister told me what happened in the finale, and she didn't even mention what happened with Lacey because I guess there was very little. So yeah, I'm not interested in watching another black female character, a strong and independent, beautiful black female character get the short end of the stick.


How was she being selfish? She didn't want her murdered best friend to be labelled a home-wrecking slut who was paid to stay quiet. How the heck does that make her selfish? She didn't owe Danny anything at that point, and Danny's lucky she even shared the envelope with him. All Lacey's been doing since day one is trying to keep everyone happy. She was always the only one who ever really questioned things, who tried to give people the benefit of the doubt, who put her emotions aside to find out the truth, who didn't turn her back on Danny just because he didn't want her. And you think it's bitchy of her to want to keep her relationship with Danny a secret? How? She had friends. Close ones. Danny was being accused of killing her best friend. Who would just date the guy, no questions asked, and not care at all what anyone thought?

She had every right to be a bitch to Danny anyway, if you want to call her that. To question him and to want the truth. Unlike Jo, she wasn't driven by her lust for him. She never let him manipulate her. If that makes her a bitch, whatever.


Thank you for this interesting post. I think the reason some think it is just a Dacey issue is that is when the fans became more vocal due to the break up. What other viewers don't understand is that was just the last drop in the bucket. EVERY story line was handed to Jo. All Lacey had left to connect her to the main plot was Danny and her romance. Once that was thrown to Jo, it completely relegated Lacey to a secondary character.

Don't get me started on the Whitney thing. Because Whitney and Lacey story line was no more important than the Andie/Rico story line. It is secondary to the main plot. If they would let Lacey had the Charlie angle and not Jo, she would be connected to main plot. But Jo had to have that too despite the fact she was already hooked to the main story.

Of course, I can already see that Andie/Rico is probably being set up for eventually Jo to discover she cares for Rico and Whitney/Lacey was an introduction for Whitney to be there because she will be Jo's sister. Which means all story lines lead back to Jo again.

I am a fan that doesn't want more time for one lead over another, even Lacey. I want equal time. I think the Trio is interesting in different aspects. Three for the Road was a great way to show how good a show could be with equal leads.

Yes, I am a Dacey fan. However, Jo has Danny's best friend link, most important person bond thing, why can't Lacey have the romance so the trio are tied. But that would be a non factor to a lot of fans if Lacey was given as much time and thought as Jo has been.

If any lead should be concentrated on more, it should be Danny. He is the reason for the whole show yet they are even making him backseat to Jo. And for those fans that think we are over reacting. I watched one episode and broke down screen time alone. Jo had the most, Danny next and Lacey had 7 minutes! 7 minutes total screentime. Another person did a break down of another episode in 1b. Jo still the most, Lacey second and Danny last. EVERY show has Jo being the center and focal point while Lacey's window keeps narrowing.


Thank you guys for reading the entire thing. I know it was long lol. But you are completely right. Every story line is pushed over to Jo. I wouldn't have minded if Dacey wasn't Lacey's only reason to be around, nor did I want Jo's involvement to be little, I just wanted equal treatment.

Like you said dawnkittman the fact that Jo has the most screen time, even more than Danny is a problem. He is supposed to be the LEAD lead and he's not even that. THAT is a problem. I also liked the Trio angle. It was a nice angle. But nope. Everything is falling down to Jo, even from the previews for next Tuesday, Jo is once again at the forefront.


I've never understood the "they should all have equal time" argument. So there are three people who are friends and you saw all of them in advertisements.

In real life, do you spend exactly the same amount of time with each of your friends? Do you trust each of them exactly as much? Do you tell each of them exactly the same thing every time?

From what I saw from the beginning, the story is about Danny. He happens to have two friends who are sometimes involved in what is going on in his life and other times not so much.

I don't see any false advertising here. Unless you time all your real life interactions down to the minute so you don't seem unfair to someone, I think it's weird to do it to a little family channel tv show (of course, I think it would be weird to do that in real life, too).


Okay think about it like this. Danny is the lead, like you just said however, who do we see the most in the show? Who gets every single interaction, is involved with every single moment. Jo Masterson. The show is about Danny yet everyone is worried about Jo, #poorjo, #JoIsTheOne, #joknows.... everything is always about Jo. Jo was the one who discovered and told about Lacey's father, Jo was there when Danny and Vikram had their encounter, Jo was the one everyone was worried about when it came to the sex tape being exposed, Jo had sex with Tyler and we have a moment where Tess comforts Jo about that, but did Karen know about the tape? Did she comfort Danny? Did Judy Porter know about the tape? Did she comfort Lacey? Nope. We only ever really see Tess mothering her child. Jo and Charlie's date took up most of that one particular episode yet the show is about Danny?

That's a problem. I know Danny is supposed to be the mystery but considering how everyone and everything is focused in on Jo, we will NEVER learn anything about Danny(except in between interactions Jo has with everyone about Danny) unless they realize "oh yeah, this show started out with everyone wondering if Danny is a sociopath, not on how everything affects Jo. Well, let's turn the story line around again".

You cannot compare real life interactions with screen time on a television show that was advertised with three characters as the lead. That is false advertising. The same way you buy a dress online that says "It's white" but when you get the dress, it's cream. That's more of a fair comparison.


As Trueessence states, your comparison doesn't make sense. Consider any show that has multiple leads -- each is given equal time (sometimes on the same episode; sometimes over multi episode arcs). The other ABC Family shows with multiple leads do a dramatically better job allowing all the leads balanced storylines and screen time no matter how many main protagonists (eg PLL with 4, Switched at Birth with 2, etc.). If Jo was going to be THE lead on Twisted, it needed to be advertised that way. Many of us wouldn't have even watched it then, and we wouldn't have reason to be so upset.


For one thing, IF this were written like real life, it wouldn't be anything like it is in the first place. That is why I enjoy it being Fiction. I don't like reality shows.

REAL LIFE EXAMPLE: Once Danny dated Lacey, there would be no jumping from one girl to the next. In high school, friends don't do that especially when the said friend's main goal was to get his TWO best friends back in his life. And I don't particularly like it on this show either. In reality it would be highly unlikely to be in love with one girl only a few days earlier, push a guy into asking a girl out that has been sister zoned only to have a sudden epiphany that that girl is the one.It was sudden and forced but it is Fiction so I accepted it could happen.

As far as screen time, I only timed it out because Lacey was suspiciously absent in the episode. I was curious and frankly shocked at the time difference in the leads. Thus why others were probably curious too. If there wasn't such a blatant display of the pushing back of characters for Jo, it wouldn't be as evident to make I as well as others curious enough to check it. I was hoping the fans were wrong and were just NOT liking Lacey's story line. The fans were right. Therefore, I don't think it was weird at all for me to do.

EDIT: I also agree with Ivy above. This show advertised three leads. NOT the Jo show. Or I would have been with Ivy and not bothered watching this show.


My point is, some of you say they used false advertising. Did you really start watching because you thought there would be three equally represented leads and this was somehow the most important part, or did you just decide afterwards that there should be more screentime for your favorite(s)?

The advertising I saw led me to believe there would be a mystery surrounding Danny and how it would affect two of his friends. We got that. Now we've got more mysteries involving Charlie and I see very little complaint about all of his screen time.

Don't get me wrong - I dislike the Jo character as much as a lot of you on here, although I find her more bearable in this second half of the season. And I understand the complaints about poc's not being equally represented overall in the industry. This is a very real problem and it should be addressed.

But how about letting a little innocuous show that hasn't even finished its first season yet find its legs? An ongoing mystery show is going to change and evolve over time, unlike the one-hour mystery shows where there's a team that solves a mystery a week in an hour. There's going to be an ebb and flow, but people are too impatient to let that happen. The mystery is no longer what's important to some of you - it's how many minutes Lacey appears in each episode.


Honestly, I began to watch with an interest of Danny a teen sociopath or question of being one and his connection with his TWO FRIENDS. So yes, I actually did watch with belief that the original premise of the show was about Danny as LEAD and his two best friends secondary. And NO I would not have watched if I had seen Jo as the main lead as it has been. It has nothing to do with favorites as I liked JO at first. But I did not want to see a show about a teen girl and her woah is me feelings.


But how about letting a little innocuous show that hasn't even finished its first season yet find its legs? An ongoing mystery show is going to change and evolve over time, unlike the one-hour mystery shows where there's a team that solves a mystery a week in an hour. There's going to be an ebb and flow, but people are too impatient to let that happen. The mystery is no longer what's important to some of you - it's how many minutes Lacey appears in each episode.

Nicely stated.

I have more thoughts on this, but this forum has successfully depleted my energy.
Just waiting for the finale and to hear the fate of the show at this point, lol.


My excitement for a three lead show (especially with two of them being people of color) came secondary to seeing a show that was about mystery and intrigue. However, because this is a problem, especially a problem surrounding people of color and I am a person of color, that stuff does not escape my notice. So I am going to notice. I never disliked Jo, I still don't dislike her, but I'm not going to sit around and watch another show that is taking it's time trying to find it's legs, while disregarding a woman of color in a lead role. Lacey and Jo may be secondary to Danny as supporting leads, but they were not on the same level as Sarita or Rico. They at least had more lead ability than everyone else. But even Danny who is supposed to be the lead has less screen time than Jo.

A show may change over time, but if it cannot get it together a least a bit in the first season, then yes, it more than likely will get cancelled. Shows have their ups and down but if it cannot get through to those who are watching it then what's the point?


The advertising I saw led me to believe there would be a mystery surrounding Danny and how it would affect two of his friends. We got that. Now we've got more mysteries involving Charlie and I see very little complaint about all of his screen time.

We didn't get that. Sure, there was a mystery. Sure, it should've been about Danny. But it wasn't. Never. Everyone's story, every single situation, led everything back to Jo. Even the murder mystery was all about Jo and keeping her safe. Now with Charlie, it's his obsession with Jo that's putting Danny and Lacey on edge.

She's not a well-liked character. I know she has her fans... but she's not liked by the majority of the audience, and now the show's seriously suffering because of it. Maddie's a good actress, and I wish the writers had made her a strong, independend, interesting female lead. There are plenty of dramatic shows with young female leads that don't get even half the hate Twisted has been getting. So it's possible. Unfortunately Twisted couldn't get it right.


But how about letting a little innocuous show that hasn't even finished its first season yet find its legs? An ongoing mystery show is going to change and evolve over time, unlike the one-hour mystery shows where there's a team that solves a mystery a week in an hour. There's going to be an ebb and flow, but people are too impatient to let that happen. The mystery is no longer what's important to some of you - it's how many minutes Lacey appears in each episode.

There have been shows that were cancelled in the first FEW episodes, so Twisted was given more than enough time to get itself together. Fans allow freshmen shows to have mistakes because it's new, but they can turn on you if they are fed up. The reason Lacey's minutes was important is because she is supposed to be a lead, she fits the usually discrimination of WOC on shows, and she kept being pushed out of the show to a point where she was better off not being written in. And it's not as if the show cared about the mystery due to the fact that they put the romance first and screwed up the mystery themselves.

"And even with Will dead, the love triangle is not over."


This isn't about the show being given a fair chance but about the entitled-minded throwing a hissy fit because they aren't being guranteed seeing Danny's tongue down Jo's throat (all to be able to gloat over and throw back in Lacey/Dacey fans' faces just like they tried to do with that laughable "Jo's the one" lie) let alone Danny paying a fraction of the effortless hot and sexy romantic attention that was on full display for Lacey even AFTER Jo begged for his love.

In spite of everything Lacey fans will always have the Dacey romance to cherish and it is the ONE thing the haters desperately want but have no shot in hell of ever getting unless they get that second season.


Wonderful post.

"I like to see the stoned Chinese guy." Daron Malakian


Thanks! I'm glad to see that many agree.


I could not agree more....

Sorry for my english as it isn't my other tongue

I was at the beginning very exited about this serie. Not because of Jo or Lacey but because of Danny.? was he a sociopath what was he hiding?... That was my main interest to the show... Actually I would have love them to develop his dark side throughout the season. His look is perfect for it so mysterious.

To be honest at the beginning I thought the necklace had some type of power over him or the member of their family, he had to kill her aunt because the necklace make her very aggressive it was self defense and now it was back in the family for some weird reason....

By the way I am watching this show from a french website and only one character is advertised Danny and not Danny Jo and Lacey

I didn't expect a romance... at least i did not expect it to be that explicit, I would have love them to exploit the love triangle more, who does Danny love, does he love sincerely or used this relationship to get to someone or something. I thought if Danny and Jo get together after what happen with Lacey, they better killed Lacey because it feels (at least for me)so wrong. How could she stay in that series after what they have done to her character.

They are friends, or used to be friends, Danny can't jump from one to another sleep with one then with the other.... this is so wrong. They should have make it apparent sometime during the season who is the one that he love and stick to it. Or bring a forth lady who would have been Danny GF until he realized he love either Jo or Lacey . The last option would have been to leave enough space to the audience for free interpretation till the end of the show


I didn't expect a romance... at least i did not expect it to be that explicit, I would have love them to exploit the love triangle more, who does Danny love, does he love sincerely or used this relationship to get to someone or something. I thought if Danny and Jo get together after what happen with Lacey, they better killed Lacey because it feels (at least for me)so wrong. How could she stay in that series after what they have done to her character.

They are friends, or used to be friends, Danny can't jump from one to another sleep with one then with the other.... this is so wrong. They should have make it apparent sometime during the season who is the one that he love and stick to it. Or bring a forth lady who would have been Danny GF until he realized he love either Jo or Lacey . The last option would have been to leave enough space to the audience for free interpretation till the end of the show

This is exactly why so many of us are upset - what was done to Lacey's character (and Danny's as well) and how they could have handled it better. Thank you for articulating it so well -- your English is perfect.


Okay... this show is beyond ridiculous now. I'm still on my "The Treatment of Lacey Porter" and how this is "The Jo Show" kick because if it's not clear then again, I don't know what show you are watching. That whole Lacey and Whitney thing? Lacey is too smart for her and for them to do that to her just to make room for a relationship that has nothing going for it...what? I mean look at Danny when he's talking to Jo. Nothing about his eyes hold any of the softness and admiration that they did when he looked... sometimes even STILL looks at Lacey. I'm pretty sure that's Avan, I'm sure he is not on that Janny thing because he cannot make it convincing. Even when the three of them are in interviews together, Avan and Kylie make it work. Always. So this whole "Lacey was right, it's always been you Jo. I just didn't want to believe it before" is dumb, forced, and I'm over it. Don't tell me not to watch the show anymore because without me and those who think like me, you won't get a second season. All of these "twists" going on, first Charlie is Tara's son and now he's Tess's son? So... that's definitely incest going on there. Not cool.

And again, everything is surrounding Jo. Danny is so focused on Charlie because he suddenly realizes these feelings for Jo (which still has no reason whatsoever) and wants to protect her from him because his "love" is in danger. Rico and Andie might not last because Rico was to busy listening to Jo vent to him that he missed an important dinner. Charlie kidnaps Jo because he's been in love with her since Juvie and he wants her to understand? Come on... this is just dumb.

Also, the fact that Lacey said in the car to Danny "No matter what, it always comes back down to the friendship" What friendship? Apparently Lacey is not part of that equation anymore. She clearly does not matter, she matters enough to be confused about what she likes but she does not matter enough to be given the chance to truly be the character that she should be. Again, I had to watch Tess ask Jo about what was going on with her and Charlie but we still never see Mrs. Porter ask her daughter, "how are you feeling after your breakup with Danny?" or anything of the like. She continues to be mentioned but is she ever seen? No. Just no.

It's still not right, it will never right. But I guess allowing the black girl character, who was a good strong character to have part in the lead story line again as she did before, is too much like right.


I agree with you to the fullest, OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I agree OP. I started watching this show on Netflix this morning becase I saw that there was a black female lead. Loved the first episode and began marathon watching it. I didn't even bother finishing it because everything was about Jo. Her stupid father, her mother, her feelings, everything. I was so happy when Lacey and Danny got together, it was hot and I hoped that it would give Lacey more screen time but when I saw a little promo banner on the twisted FB page saying "It's always been you JO" I just stopped watching. I don't care if anyone gets upset about it. I'm not obligated to keep a show on the air that doesn't give me what I want to see.

Seriously, did we really need MORE Jo storylines? It doesn't help that in some of the promo banners Lacey is pushed to the very back. No thanks. I can wait for Sleepy Hollow that shows a real black female lead.


@Tonnie21...couldn't agree more. This is EXACTLY why many stopped watching. But it's our fault as Lacey/Dacey fans that we were lied too, turned off our TV sets and did not give our ratings to the misrpresentation of a show with limitless potential.


I want to support Twisted and get another season but I also want them to treat Lacey better. Why can't we have both? :( Even if Dacey doesn't happen, they have to give her more plots. And I'm not even convinced Danny liked Jo the whole time, that was so forced. It could be manipulation like some have suggested. If the show gets renewed (Netflix hopefully) we would find out and maybe they could change things...
