This is kind of annoying

So I haven't watched the whole thing...Ive watched about 30 mins of it and it's at the part where the husband and wife are at the hotel. They keep talking about how aggravating Mallory is and how "Ugh, she's so much drama." and "Ugh, we can't go 5 minutes without her bothering us." Maybe I'm missing something, but she's carrying THEIR child...shouldn't she be allowed to be as annoying as possible?? I know things are about to get crazy, but what has she done so far that is so bad??


Let me know what you think after you've watched the rest of the movie. I think you'll see her behavior was unacceptable. I won't spoil it for you but it was more than just hormones.


Seriously? Even less than 30 minutes in you can see where she steals their wedding photo, breaks her shower, tells people she's married to the husband & excited about her first baby and how he wants a lot of kids. Calls multiple times & throws fits to get the husband to come to her, calls the wife a bitch right after the 1st start the process (under her breath, the couple didn't hear). I'm only 45 minutes in and more than this has happened already. She's crazy.


and I haven't even gotten to the hotel part, so you've had to of seen all this plus more.
