MovieChat Forums > Goodbye World (2014) Discussion > Bet that 'doomsday preppers' will love t...

Bet that 'doomsday preppers' will love this...

What I never got about preppers is that if mother nature is trying to take back hers, then who the ef are YOU to "survive"

I have seen multiple preppers stating Mother Earth has had enough. Ok, so DIE then like your supposed to.

And those morons that build those bunkers underground like rodents, really?

This movie portrays us pretty much correctly, a virus, and you can see all the viruses trying to thrive by getting into this complex.

Message to preppers, your nothing special, and should you survive whatever it is you think is coming, your gonna wanna wish you died when you resurface and see nothing is left.

Great way to spend the rest of your days.

And these companies are getting FILTHY rich catering to these morons.

I love it.


Wow what has gone so wrong in your head that you have this hatred for 'preppers'? Have they somehow wronged you?


He's just jealous because he knows he's gonna be the first to die. I mean, who would want to be around a guy like this?!? LoL


Why would I want to die last? Answer, please, intelligently.


Why would you want to die at all?!?


What a complete a-hole ... incoherent a-hole at that.

And you're (notice the apostrophe and correct spelling?) wrong ... I definitely want to be there to see the aftermath, because 1 - I'm heavily armed, supplied, and trained 2 - I've always wanted to live a real-life dystopian experience ... and 3 - I'm hoping that all the left-wing morons who spent the last 20 years whining about their civil rights, feminism, gay marriage, and all the rest of that crap, will be there too, so I can laugh in their faces.


Im going into business selling preppers goods. They make a ton of money off you clowns.

They had a TV show called Doomsday Bunkers where a company called Deep Earth was making shelters for morons like you and some yo yo dumped almost $500k on his, and guess what? That company filed for bankruptcy and is now GONE.

So where does that yo yo go if their is a crack or problem?

To ANOTHER doomsday company.

You cant make this up. The owner of the said bankrupt company Scott Bales lives in a multi million dollar estate, and is LAUGHING at all the money he made putting crapola together and selling it to morons.

You want to live a real-life dystopian experience? Move to the Sahara or the Antarctica and stop feeling all righteous, when the time comes, we ALL go.


I bet you get hit a lot.

We're never gonna survive unless we are a little crazy.


LOLOL!!!!!!!! That was good.


You really think most "preppers" are spending a lot of money. Most just have a stock of food, water, medicine, and ammo. Anybody who has any common sense should have enough food and water for a couple of weeks that's recommended by FEMA and Homeland security let alone a first aid kit. Most likely an event like this wouldn't happen but what is likely is a weather disaster where things won't get working again for a week or so.


How did gay marriage get into this?

Although, bro, you know, think about it, every sniper needs a spotter.

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At the risk of falling prey to a troll, I'd like to make two points:

Yes, there are companies making loads of money off of the "prepper" movement. There are always companies in the market that capitalize on the current trends. POGs in the 90s, probiotics, those kick-flip skateboards for your hands, workout fads, and on, and on. The market depends on fools.

The point, there, is it's none of your business how someone else chooses to spend the money they earn. Whether it be on supplies for a hypothetical apocalypse, or on the newest workout video (that they'll spend three weeks using consistently then drop unexpectedly). None of this affects you. And while you can laugh, privately, at their 'wasted' income, realize that there are likely areas where you spend your money that others consider frivilous. That's the beauty of the system; it's your money, you don't have to care if others find your purchases meaningful.

The urge to survive, to endure, and to carry on after an apocalypse is probably one of the most biologically important urges we have as a species. Second only to the urge to procreate, which is the same thing in effect. Self preservation is important for the continued survival of our species. It is, perhaps, one of the strongest, most ingrained insticts we have and the driving force behind millions of decisions made worldwide every day.

If you, as an individual, do not feel that the human race is worth saving, then don't try to save yourself. I believe that that is your choice. Surely someone with such deep convictions about the ugliness of human nature must be a student of said nature. As such a student, you must realize that your submissive attitude toward your own survival is not going to be shared by all.

I'll make no judgements about whether you deserve or anyone else deserves to continue living. To rebuild after an unfortunate event occurs. That's not my place. I don't disagree that human nature has its rather ugly sides; at times we might not seem worthy of survival. Our saving grace, in my opinion, is hope. The hope that tomorrow will be better. The hope that we as a people can do better. The hope that humanity can, if not conquer, then tame our wilder nature.

TLDR: Mind your own business. Spend your money the way you want, and let others spend theirs. Die if you want, but don't expect others to join you.

In regards to the movie, they could have done a lot better with what they had.. but their setup was rather nice. lol


Clearly one of these soft city fellas that's going to be the first one begging for handouts when the fit hits the shan. Good luck with that.


You mentioned that doomsday bunker tv show. I watched that (what was it, 6 episodes?) on netflix a few weeks ago. I didn't know the company went out of business, but I'm not surprised the owner was a scam artist. There was no quality control on the crap he sold, one person they dug a hole in the ground and dropped a generator in it and it got stolen, no surprise there- they might as well put a sign that said "free generator". Another couple had one they installed on the downslope of a hill and it flooded when it rained- again no surprise.. That doesn't mean preppers are stupid, it just means that any person can fall victim to a scam artist.


Mother nature is *always* trying to take back hers. Perhaps you should just lie down in a ditch and die?


You don't have children do you?
