Oh wow... *spoilers*

So we get all this passive aggressive leftist tripe throughout most of the movie, then at the end what happens?

One of them has to use a big bad awtomatik assawlt gun to diffuse a clusterfu*k of a situation and save everyone.

I mean that scene with the medicine fridge is hilarious, "crossing the prepper line", as if that's supposed to be an insult.
If they had an actual prepper in the group he or she would have put those two uniformed thugs in the dirt the second they started talking about quartering in private property and 'inspecting' resources, the entitled mob down the hill would have been kept in check and everyone would be safe, the end, roll credits.


Wait, I thought it was a woman with a revolver with one bullet that resolved the situation? I basically gave up though when the independent off-the-grid dude thought only the central government should have firearms, urban leftist screenwriter isn't going to masturbate into my eyes


Did you even watch the movie? It was a woman with a pistol who diffused the situation.

Some people have really poor movie-watching skills.


Wasting good movie-watching skills on this garbage is an affront to cinema.


Exactly. People seem to think that because a character says something in a film it is the perspective of the writer. The fact is that a gun is necessary to rebalance the power in the area. James is not a warrior, he is an innkeeper. Laura is a warrior and does what needs to be done. She is also a leader and not crazy, so she uses her mind along with force to create balance.
By the way, this is the writer, who is not an urban liberal.


Nice to "meet" you denis. I really liked your movie!


Thanks kiwijoygirl! Glad you enjoyed it! :)


We are watching Goodbye World right now, and it is amazing. You have a lot of insight. This is exactly how people would behave if something like this came down.
