Well Done

Dafoe was excellent as usual, Tom Berenger did excellent work & Dillon was a bad ass.


true. if wish the script would have been better though. couldn't give it more than a 5/10 with this bland story.

"laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone." - Dae-su Oh


I was entertained all the way through, gave it a 6.

movies watched in 2014 http://www.imdb.com/list/ympUgRE3P7k/


I gave it a 7 and came here expecting a lot of interest but I was surprised at only 105 ratings.
Willem Dafoe and Dillon were excellent in fact none of the cast let the side down. Storyline sucked me in, and it's a film I would certainly watch again. Well not straight away but maybe after a year or so.


I loved it; Willem Dafoe is always so freaking awesome, Matt Dillon just love him in this movie... Tom Berringer was good too- I love the last scene "would you like some coffee" hahaha drink it you bastard, bet your ass will NEVER get back up!!! Love how Dafoe delivered that line.. Also I'm from New Orleans, Louisiana born and raised, so anything to do w/true stories and history - I love it!!


Sony's storyline summary here was pretty hilarious.

So when the syndicate orders Carter's death and Weiland's ID'd as a snitch, the two team up to take down the mob and the crime boss who ordered the hit.

Did they even watch the movie? Weiland jumps out the window because the cops, in their incompetence, failed to keep his wife and newborn son safe. Carter uses Weiland to flush out Lutin, so he can make his arrest.

The movie had an overabundance of scenes where the characters failed to deliver catharsis. I seriously needed a scene where Carter punched one of the feds in the face for failing to keep Weiland's family safe. That new kid had such an ass-kicking coming for him, but nothing ever happened.

And the final bad guy - the guy who ordered the hit on Weiland's wife and newborn son - is just punched out and arrested so he can snitch on even bigger fish. Holy *beep* anti-climax!

Weiland was a neo-Nazi piece of *beep* but dude... that's not how you do revenge movies! Imagine an Arnold Schwarzenegger movie where someone does something bad to him in the first act and then the movie ends with Arnold getting shot in the face and the bad guy getting arrested. What? Hell no.
