TRAILER... It's here!



Looks pretty cool.
there will be snark


Looks good. Great cast

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


Looks like a poor man's true detective. "Bullet back of the hay'd?... It ain't that".


just here to say i saw the whole film and it was good. i dont like much either.
nothing came off cheesey, and the fact it was based on a true story is even better


I just did not get the movie's (abrupt) ending at all. I rewound it 2x and rewatched it to try to figure out what had just taken place or what I should have deduced from that "ending"..., but that final scene still left me hanging and feeling confused. ???


I just did not get the movie's (abrupt) ending at all

I just took it as he (Dafoe) was going to offer him a deal to name some of the syndicate who hadn't been killed or arrested hence why he said to the agent he had some loose ends to tie up.


Well acted and entertaining. Gritty police fare.


terrible movie. bad acting. lead snitch guy is the worst "white supremacist" character ive seen in a movie ever


He'd be doing it wrong if he acted like a white supremacist, there were a fair few pointers about it in the movie.


not the worst movie ever...
but with that cast...I would have hoped for more..
I dont know if it was the script.. or the editting or what...
It was like a made for TV movie.
I give it a 5...
