Berenger + Dafoe

Seeing them together I had Vietnam flashbacks, Platoon style... Berenger was an erie presence here, how he sold it! Awesome...


oh ya

Job application: "Do you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or transgender?"


Duh! obviously STRAIGHT!!! Quoting Seinfeld though, not that there`s anything wrong with that! being all those types you have mentioned... I do my best work in a cage, ring, octagon, barroom, and especially a firefight! Berenger & Dafoe...


I still don't know who Berenger is in this movie. Is Lutin the head criminal who stabs Matt Dillon? I really couldn't recognize him or his voice.

"Leave the gun. Take the canolis."


Yes, he's Lutin, of the mysteriously disappearing & reappearing accent. And the Col. Sanders facial hair.
there will be snark
