MovieChat Forums > Silent Night (2012) Discussion > Catatonic Grandpa (mild spoiler)

Catatonic Grandpa (mild spoiler)

Why does he need a wallet?



Everything feels forced in this movie. The son avenging the crazy dad that burns the mom makes no sense. people getting presents before dying makes no sense.

nothing makes sense



It's cool that they payed homage to the grandpa scene in the original, but it feels kind of forced here.

I don't like it at all. It's probably more tacky and nonsensical than it was in the original. Maybe if the grandpa had some connection to the "Santa" murder from years earlier, it might have made a little more sense.


I agree. If it had turned out the catatonic grandfather was the guy that the cheating wife was with, who had run out on her and seen her get burned to death, that would screw you up enough to start babbling about Christmas being a time of danger and Santa Claus being evil once the Alzeihmer's kicked in.


Honestly.. there was a reason for it in the original. And it unsettled you. It set the tone for bad stuff you knew was coming. There's no such reason here. Bad stuff is already going on.. and is only there for the nod to the following first. People who don't know will just wonder WHY even more about put that in at all.. for fans its an awkward unnecessary and forced nudge.


Even to this day in watching "Silent Night, Deadly Night," the scene with how seamlessly the grandpa goes in and out of the supposed catatonia, the clearly insane laughing and his squeaky voice was creepy as hell. In this movie it only served as a nod to the original.


Exactly my thoughts. Why does he have wallet and who filled it?


I wondered if he was going to turn out to be the killer. Or maybe the "original" Killer Santa that the current one was copy-catting but no, just a crazy old dude blurting out dire warnings of doom! lol


I felt it was a rather incongruous moment in a scene which solely exists to homage the original. The thief relative is little more than a number added to the body count. The original had purpose, to truly provide a forewarning or foreshadowing of the horror to come. The kid was to be that horror. The dude in the 2012 film gets a minor blowjob before his face is split in half.
